This is an update I hoped I wouldn't have to make. I arrived at the clinic for my 5-day embryo transfer yesterday full of hope. Unfortunately the embryologist said that I had only one embryo that had made it to early blast-the other six were still morulas. They transferred the early blast and kept the other six embryos in culture.
I just got the news that none of the six embryos were good enough to freeze, so all hope is resting on the little EB we transferred yesterday.
This is the second consecutive IVF cycle that's played out like this:
IVF #1 (300 IU gonal-f)
15 mature eggs retrieved
13 eggs fertilised
2 day-5 blasts (failed implantation and early m/c)
IVF #2 (225 IU bemfola)
10 mature eggs retrieved
7 eggs fertilised
7 still in running @day 3 (all but two at 6-10 cells)
1 early blast at day 5
6 discarded on day 6
So both times basically textbook response to meds, good fertilisation rates... but crap embryos 😭
I asked the embryologist (who was lovely) whether this is an egg quality issue. And after I explained my history he's advised me to check with the sperm bank to see if the donor has a confirmed pregnancy. But he said it could also be an egg issue, and it's something to discuss with our consultant.
Has anyone else been in this situation? It just feels so rubbish that on paper I should be a good candidate for IVF but it's just not happening for us.
For reference I'm 38, my AFC is around 17-19 and my AMH two years ago was 29. BMI 26 but I'm pretty active, a non-smoker, non-drinker and barely touch caffeine.