Hi Friends,Good day to all...
Can anyone tell me whether we can decide if It is a fresh transfer or FET?
Or doctor decide it????
Kindly advice.
Hi Friends,Good day to all...
Can anyone tell me whether we can decide if It is a fresh transfer or FET?
Or doctor decide it????
Kindly advice.
if you develop OHSS the doctors wonât allow you to have a fresh transfer and will need a FET. I think if your paying privately for treatment and you have a preference over one/other or doctor recommends then you can probably choose! I imagine NHS you would have a fresh transfer unless overstimulated đ
Hi there,
It will depend on how your cycle goes and your own circumstances I think. More often than not, and if all goes well in the cycle (you respond to treatment, you don't develop OHSS, your health stats look good) you can go into a fresh transfer. But the most likely cause why they might go for a FET is whether you respond to the treatment too well and are on the brink of developing OHSS after egg collection. That's when they might advise to wait and go for a FET.
One or the other is not necessarily good or bad though. Some clinics have better stats on fresh transfers, while others do better on FET's. Also, HFEA's own stats say that overall the FET outcomes are better because the body is not under so much stress as when it's under hormones. But at the end of the day it will depend on your own circumstances and what works better for you. Just going through the first cycle (as stressful as it is the first time!), the doctors will collect a lot of information about you and your body and will start forming recommendations later on. It's a learning experience for both you and them. Best of luck!
Best to wait and see if frozen transfer is needed as 1st post says If this is not the case may be you could discuss with your Dr what he feels is best for you and the reasoning behind it
Good luck for the future
nowadays FET is as good as fresh embryo transfer, thanks to the vitrification proces,moreover your endometrium will be in better conditions with an FET. But the most important thing is what kind of medication did you take to induce the ovulation, 'cause there's some of them that harm the endometrium, so is compulsary to wait at least one cycle
It's very individual. Personally after three fresh transfers where two ended early (5/6 weeks) and didn't really develop and a PUL at 10 weeks, and a FET that was successful, I'd do a FET. I did have a BFN on my last FET trying for a sibling so it doesn't solve everything, but I didn't feel recovered or in a good state after egg collection and stims to do transfers, whereas the FETs I felt completely ready and I didn't find them anything like as complicated or stressful. But then lots of women have success on fresh. Maybe best to ask your clinic what their success rates are with each and does this change with different age groups (I think I read that as you get older FETs can have slightly better outcomes), and then is there any medical reason why they think a particular option is better for you.