Hi I’m about to start another round of IVF after 7 cancelled transfers and 3 failed but using a new clinic. My blood tests have come back that I don’t have a rubella immunity but I have checked my results from my IVF cycle in 2020 which blessed me with my son and my pregnancy results and I did have an immunity. I thought maybe it was an error on the results so had another test but again it says no rubella immunity. Has anybody experienced this? Is it something I should be concerned about? Thank you .
rubella immunity blood tests - Fertility Network UK
rubella immunity blood tests

Sorry I don't have an experience of this. But different labs can have different results. Maybe if you try and repeat the test or find the results of the initial tests from the clinic? As a last resort they might ask you to have the vaccination again which is in two doses and postpone the treatment until it's OK to start again.
When I was having treatment with NHS for accepting me on the waiting list they accepted the blood tests showing immunity from rubella but at some point after my first cycle they changed their rules and wanted documentation of the full vaccination. As I couldn't find proof of the second dose they asked me to have the second dose. This put me back about a couple of months. it was easy to arrange the vaccination with the GP.
Good luck

Hi. If you want more children, then speak to your GP and see if you can get vaccinated . Just a thought. Diane
Hi Chowlady14 I had this despite having MMR and a separate Rubella jab apparently some people do not get the immunity from the vaccination. I had to have a letter from my GP to proceed with IVF. It was all fine in terms of my treatment, just annoying having to go over it at every appointment.
I had this proper to my cycle on 2018 with my son, although I had it when they did my bloods I wasn't immune I had to the jab then had to wait a whole month to re test which was upsetting as it delayed it all, but when rested was all ok, so not sure what happen as I had definitely had it prior
I had 3 vaccine shots and never developed immunity to rubella, went on a healthy pregnancy without it..