Rubella Jab before IVF?: Wondering if... - Fertility Network UK

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Rubella Jab before IVF?

KitHarrington profile image
24 Replies

Wondering if anyone has experienced this or similar?

I've had all my MMR vaccines during my childhood through the childhood immunisation programme (I'm in the UK). But I have been told that my virology tests show I need a Rubella jab as I don't have immunity (despite having all my jabs).

I've booked a jab as it's mandatory before we can start our IVF.

As I'm aware MMR is supposed to provide lifelong immunity so I'm really baffled how I'm not immune to Rubella.

Anyone else experience anything similar?


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KitHarrington profile image
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24 Replies
EN22 profile image

Hello I had a similar thing but mine was with the mumps part of the jag. Apparently sometimes high schools don’t put that part in and it turned out I had an MR instead of MMR. Was very strange so I had to get the MMR again as they didn’t do it separately. It’s a two course jag but I only needed the one!

KitHarrington profile image
KitHarrington in reply to EN22

Thank you for your reply, my mind feels a little more reassured, I haven't been able to stop thinking about it since they told me this!

It's so strange that they can miss parts of the full MMR jab! I didn't know it was possible 🤦🏻‍♀️


PurpleCrocus profile image

Hi! So it can happen for a couple of reasons . . .

1) Depending on how old you are will depend on how many MMRs you got initially. There was an cohort of people who got only one rubella vaccine as a child, before they realised that 2 provided better protection. Therefore perhaps you only had one if that was the schedule at the time.

2) Not everyone responds the same way to vaccines. Most vaccines are designed to provide immunity across a population, and therefore if some people do not respond (either at all or just have a small response), then it's ok because you get herd immunity. It can be that you just happen to be a "non-responder" to a particular vaccine.

Sometimes if you don't respond initially you might still obtain immunity if you are vaccinated later; either due to the extra dose, or because your immune system is always changing and so might respond better next time. However, some people will just never respond, and there's not a lot you can do about it. Normally they will try to vaccinate once again as an adult, but if that doesn't work then it's unlikely it ever will.

But if you DO respond then you're right, you will have lifelong immunity. It doesn't 'fade'.

I worked in vaccine trials for a few years, so I know a lot about vaccines generally, but on a more personal note I have also not responded to the rubella vaccine! I had one as a child, another when I started medical school, ANOTHER when I started as a doctor, and they've just made me have ANOTHER before starting IVF. Guess what? Still not immune 🤦‍♀️ But they're happy that I've tried!

KitHarrington profile image
KitHarrington in reply to PurpleCrocus

That's a lot of rubella jabs! 😭 But I'm glad they will not stop you from accessing your IVF program without it. That part was bothering me. 😐

And thank you for the explanation, makes a lot of sense now 🙂


PurpleCrocus profile image
PurpleCrocus in reply to KitHarrington

No worries at all! Yes, it won't stop you, don't worry! And I'm sure they'll just make you have the one jab. Though like EN22 says, it might be the full MMR (because it's hard to get hold of rubella vaccine as a stand alone). It's just best that you're immune before pregnancy because if you catch rubella it's not great for the baby. Most people don't get to check before they get pregnant, but I guess having IVF has to have some perks!

KHRAM profile image
KHRAM in reply to PurpleCrocus

I’m the same but I don’t want to get it as I have had bad responses to vaccine do they stop you from getting IVF if you refuse the vaccine ?

PurpleCrocus profile image
PurpleCrocus in reply to KHRAM

I don't think they could stop you from getting IVF, they will just have to counsel you and you might have to sign to say you understand the risks and are happy to go ahead anyway.

As stated by some people below, it's very rare now in the UK (thanks to vaccination). However, international travel means that you cannot be sure. I think it's probably less about how COMMON it is, and more about how awful the consequences of contracting rubella in pregnancy are - as in, it's rare but serious!

But you do have to wait a month between vaccination and pregnancy, because MMR is weakly live, therefore there is a theoretical risk to the developing embryo.

This website has lots of great evidence-based information on vaccines, if it helps to make your decision:

KHRAM profile image
KHRAM in reply to PurpleCrocus

thank you for your reply that has reassured me

PurpleCrocus profile image
PurpleCrocus in reply to KHRAM

No worries, glad to be able to help! 😊

km307 profile image

My rubella immunity had worn off by the time I started IVF, and I was initially told I had to do the mmr before I could go ahead (there is no rubella only jab in the U.K.). When I did some research, I found out there were only a handful of cases of rubella in the U.K. over the past couple of years, so challenged my clinic. They have a standard waiver you could sign to go ahead without the vaccine. I was 40 at the time and didn’t want to wait 2 more months, so went ahead without the vaccine. I had mmr after I had my daughter. The NHS used to routinely check in pregnancy in the U.K., but it’s not deemed to be a significant risk now so they don’t bother.

Lamagarden profile image

I was the same. Had all my jabs in childhood in Uk but didn’t have immunity at start of IVF process. Had my jabs only to be told that I still didn’t have immunity, had more jabs and was finally told that I simply don’t uptake the vaccination, apparently this can happen for a small amount of people. So have just moved forward without immunity. Have been told that it’s v rare in UK anyway, so risk is low, there’s nothing I can do anyway. Wishing u the best x

Twiglet2 profile image

yeah I had to have 2nd MMR before starting the rounds trying for a sibling (it was measles I was missing though) it sounds pretty common. I’d say get it done sooner rather than later as we had to then wait a month after vaccination before we could start the treatment cycle xx

Floraandfauna profile image

hello, yes I had exactly the same, was told I had no immunity, the doctor at the clinic said that for some people the immunity wears off. I had a booster but was then told I couldn’t get pregnant for 3 months so had to delay ivf a bit. Good luck x

1418rose profile image

I had all my child hood jabs, after having my daughter 12 years ago it was found while I was pregnant i wasnt immune but they couldn't do anything about it while I was pregnant so they done it after.... come to doing ivf again not immune to rubella explained what had happened last time went to gp got a list of my jabs sent that into the clinic and they agreed there was no point in doing it as its almost like my body just rejects it or absorbs it leaving no trace of the jab being done I had had 2mmr jabs as a child plus a booster then 12 nearly 13 years ago another one... so in a nut shell I really wouldn't panic as it seems quiet common xx good luck on your journey xx

ZeliaM profile image

I had the same.

I’m from Portugal living in UK for years. I also showed no immunisation agains rubella and I knew I had all vaccines as a child.

So they actually told me I probably needed to have 2 rubella vaccines.

I had one, and managed to find my kids vaccine card that stated I had 2 rubella vaccines as child, so then I did not needed to have the second vaccine.

After the vaccine my blood test finally showed that I was imune.

Is annoying but looks like you can’t escape. But is weird it was supposed to be for life and then it is not.

heya - yes I had the exact same. I don’t know why as my mum said I def had all of them. But I just got another one x

TopGuntastic profile image

Not specifically about rubella but I did need both MMR again as GPS had lost paper records and based on my year of birth apparently I’d only have had a MR and MMR so was missing one M! 🤦🏻‍♀️

Loveandscience profile image

Good Morning,

I had the exact same in Dec I had a blood test before starting to check my rubella status and I was pretty confident as I had one last year with nhs and it was showing I was immune! However in Dec it came back from my clinic I was not immune so I had to have a booster jab and had to wait 25 days I think before I could have a repeat blood test!

Was disappointing as was hoping to start in December but delayed it all until February.

I had all my jabs as a child to but they said some people don’t hold the vaccine in their system for life long (I’m 32)

Hope you get your MMR jab soon and good luck on your journey xx

S272 profile image


I had all my jabs when younger to but only had 1 of the rubella I think they said so didn’t build up the immunity either and had to have the jab before treatment.

They said around the time I had jabs they weren’t doing boosters but also some people don’t build the immunity. It’s annoying because it put our treatment on hold for a few months but I didn’t want to risk putting the baby at risk

Albs171 profile image

I had the exact same thing. Apparently with all immunisations some just don’t work…. Or work aswell… that’s why they check xx

Brown269 profile image

Hi, I had exactly this in January too. My nurse advised that sometimes immunities can drop so I was fine to have another MMR Jab, then I had another blood test 28 days later and was showing immunity so I could then start with the IVF the following month. It’s frustrating having it pushed back another month but worth it for the risks of rubella to an unborn baby.

_DAL_ profile image

Hi, this also happened with me.

Although I’d had these jabs when I was a child, for some reason, they weren’t on my medical records.

I had both jabs done again and then had to have a screening blood test to prove that I had antibodies for immunity.

So frustrating, as it caused a bit more of a delay to begin with ivf treatment. Xx

Koala365 profile image

I did read somewhere that it can wear off after 10 years so I guess if you had it at age 11 or so in school that could be the reason. Rather oddly though, I am the complete opposite. I didn't have the rubella or MMR jab in school and to my knowledge and that of my mum, I had never had rubella and yet I tested positive for anti-bodies showing I had immunity to rubella. This confirmed what the doctors had told me a few years ago when i asked for the jab and they ran a similar test. My mum and I remember one time when I was seven, we were walking home after school and me and a friend were chatting and so were our mums when my friend's mum spotted a rash behind her ear and said, "Oh no, looks like German measles, we had better get you home". That's the only time I was knowingly exposed to it but I didn't come down with a rash or anything a few days later myself. All very strange! Hopefully you can just have the jab again under the NHS. Pity they have stopped doing the single vaccine though as you probs don't need the measles or mumps jabs again!

Darcy1996 profile image

My friend just had the same & found out that she had R not MM!

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