Did any of you conceive naturally while going through IVF? or did you conceive one egg naturally and got twins because of the one successful embryo transfer in addition to the natural one? What is the likelihood of this?
Did anyone conceive naturally while g... - Fertility Network UK
Did anyone conceive naturally while going through IVF?
Yes, for the first and only time in 10+ years, as I was waiting for my period to start for another FET. My consultant wasn't remotely surprised and said he sees it all the time, but I thought these were just stories or given our long history of nothing it was irrelevant for us, so I refused to do a pregnancy test for ages as I didn't want to even waste the test.
Hiya, totally identical to Mrs OJ above - I got a BFP whilst waiting for my period to start a FET following a failed fresh cycle . 2.5yrs of ttc and two rounds of ivf. It can happen - we had unexplained infertility x
I did. Been trying for 5.5yrs, 4 failed ivf cycles, the last with no transfer. Decided to go for donor eggs as I was told my chances were less than 5% with my own eggs. We picked a donor, paid for the eggs, and found out I was pregnant naturally whilst waiting for my period to arrive to get started on the DE cycle. I was the last person to ever believe it could happen. I’m 21 weeks with a singleton now x
Similar story here. We were told we had a less than one percent chance of conceiving either through IVF or naturally. Bought donor eggs, created embryos and then three days before the FET I discovered I was pregnant. This also happened to be the day before my 44th birthday. I now have an 11 month old. Best of luck. X
Yes! I had had 2 rounds, first one successful that ended in misscarraige, second one didn't take at all. I was so depressed that I just hung around the house drinking wine ans crying. I then ovulated and more out of habit then hope had sex with my partner. The next time period was due took a test as always and it was positive, I was so shocked as I had tried every ovulation for 2 years and was told my boyfriedns sperm was too useless to get me pregnant. It was very strange the way it haplend straight after a failed cycle, I have no idea if the ivf did something to my body but as far as I'm aware it was his sperm that was the problem. Ill never know, but please don't give up on trying naturally I'm currently 37 weeks pregnant. I know its a tough journey, soooooo tough, but it can happen! Xx
not me personally but I do know someone who ended up with triplets - she had one embryo left and transferred it but also had sex around transfer/ovulation time - either her IVF embryo split or her naturally conceived one did 😂 I still don’t think she’s over the shock 😂
Yes, we tried for 3.5 years & during that time I was told I wouldn’t conceive naturally due to endometriosis damaging my tubes. We did a cycle of IVF in April 2022, froze 2 embryos & then I was waiting for surgery for my endo before I could have a transfer. Surgery was booked for 16 Dec 2022, 2 days before I found out I was pregnant. We were in complete shock, had given up hope thinking it would happen naturally! My little boy is now nearly 6 months old, our little miracle x
Myself I know a few stories with natural conception after failed IVF.
hi yes I had two failed cycles and had just had egg collection and got a just one embryo out of it, which we decided to freeze to then look at options before any further transfers. I Had been given about 1% chance of any success due to adenomyosis and endometriosis and I fell naturally after my period bleed post egg collection. Bit like others have said I didn’t believe I was pregnant,had convinced myself the sickness was menapause symptoms and the ivf and down regs had sent me into the menapause. My little boy is now21 Months old and I then went onto conceive my second naturally when my fist was 6 months old she is now 7 months old. Both complete miracles.
I wish you all the best X