Good morning all
Firstly I wanted to say a big thank you to everyone that responded to my posts and shared their experiences over the last few weeks (sorry I've not managed to reply to everyone but I have read your responses). It's been an incredibly anxious time and just doesn't get any easier the more rounds we do!
Sadly our last fresh transfer ended in a BFN and I stated my period on the morning of OTD (Friday). I did the pregnancy test anyway but knew the outcome would not be good. This was our 6th embryo that has failed in a row on our journey for a sibling for our little girl (she was the result of our very first fresh round ICSI almost 4 years ago!). Since having her I have never seen a positive pregnancy test and it's been the most heartbreaking journey.
The 6 embryos we had were all good quality and had all made it to day 5 blacosysts (at varying grades). I'm finding it very difficult to process this all and I just don't understand how ivf worked for us first time and then never again! I'm aware luck plays a huge part in ivf but to have 6 on a row fail is hard for me to comprehend (we even changed clinic for this fresh round). The doctors have all said that me having had a successful pregnancy to term was a good sign everything was ok so it had to be the embryos that were abnormal. Is it really possible to have that many abnormal embryos in a row (I am under 40)? None of it really makes much sense to me.
We have 2 frozen left to use next year and then we will be done on our journey. After so many rounds and having used so many medications, I am tempted to do unmedicated FETs but so worried to risk the last embryos we have on something I've never done before. Has anyone had any success with unmedicated? Also I've heard you can't go straight into a FET after a failed fresh transfer? I need to check with my clinic.
Wishing everyone still on their own journey lots of hugs and baby dust xxx