hello ladies, just trying to gauge if this is normal or not….
I am trying for a second baby and have moved clinics, and my specialist from clinic #1 also moved to clinic #2 which (I thought) would be handy.
This is my second transfer with clinic #2 and we are doing a medicated cycle, replicating what we did for my 4th successful transfer at clinic #1. My progesterone was always really low at transfer day and it took 3 cycles to work out the right level of prog I needed to take.
Despite the specialist being so on board with doing exactly what we did last time (pessaries x4, 2x prog injections weekly starting before transfer day and prog blood test prior to transfer), the clinic want me to be on 3x pessaries, and injection starting AFTER embryo transfer and no blood test to check my progesterone levels til OTD?! I questioned this and they said that’s their method as there is no justification to to do the blood test as they expect the levels to be low on a medicated cycle…they also think I’m on more than enough progesterone despite me explaining my history. My old clinic seemed obsessed with prog being a certain level before transfer day.
Does anyone else’s clinic have this belief? Has it worked for you?
I’m trying to talk to the specialist directly, as the nurses are stonewalling, but interested to hear others experience