Hello! I’m currently 8dp5dt and I’ve just woken up with some bright pink spotting and I’m panicking. I don’t know if I’m being irrational but I took my progynova later than usual yesterday and I’m worried it’s my period coming through. Is this possible or is it just the progesterone? I thought it was too late for implantation bleeding and it’s also fresh blood. Any advice?
period or implantation bleeding? - Fertility Network UK
period or implantation bleeding?

Bleeding is always terrifying in the 2ww, and if you fall down the Google wormhole you’ll find 50-50 split of women for whom bleeding was a good sign vs a bad sign. I know that’s not helpful! I try to remind myself that nothing can be changed & what’s done is done… so fretting can’t change the outcome - but that’s easier said that done & once the 2ww crazies set in, I’m a maniac too 🤣🤣 anyways fingers crossed & remember we’re here for you either way. Good luck, you got this 🤞🤞
Thanks Krystal_43, I’ve already googled and you’re right, v conflicting advice! 🤣 I’m going to phone the clinic today and see what they say. I’m also trying to stay strong and wait until the weekend to test but I can’t believe it’s only Wednesday! I def think the 2WW should be considered a modern day form of torture!!! 🫣😩 I’m trying to remind myself that’s there nothing I can do now but it’s so hard not to overthink everything. I forgot to take my progynova to work yesterday hence the delay and I can’t stop kicking myself about it! Thanks again for taking the time to reply. Xx
hello cycle buddy 😁
Don’t fret about taking your progynova later than normal, I’m sure it would not throw things off that quickly. This is not quite the same, but I had light bright pink bleeding at 5-6 weeks and my clinic said it would be more of a concern if it was red blood. All ended up fine!
How are you feeling about this cycle? I’m not feeling very optimistic for myself
Hello! I’m not feeling v positive at the moment. I just phoned the clinic and they reckon the spotting is from the pessaries and I’d be lying if I wasn’t hoping they said it was from an implantation bleed! How are you doing? Any symptoms? When are you planning on testing? Xx
I would take that as a positive! I guess they can’t say for sure re implantation bleeding so wouldn’t want to get your hopes up I suppose?
Honestly I’m spiralling a bit 🤪 I was so level headed going into it but that’s all out the window now! I couldn’t help but test and got a stark negative today 😢 although I have had some bad back aches which is the only early symptom I had the one time I’ve been pregnant. And my positive at 9dp was v faint so holding on to the tiniest glimmer of hope. When are you going to test? X
It’s still very early so don’t lose hope!! I’ve never had a positive test so can’t give much advice on symptoms but that’s a good sign if it’s similar to what you’ve experienced before. I tested really early during my last transfer and I found the rest of the 2WW really difficult so I think I’m going to hold out until Sat or even Sunday if I can! The spotting this morning makes me want to do one now though so I’m not sure I’ll have the willpower. I asked about implantation bleed and the nurse said it was more than likely the pessaries so I’m def not getting the hopes up. Fingers and toes crossed you get your positive tomorrow! 🤍 xx
Thank you! 💕 and I’m trying not to lose hope!! You’re right, it’s still early - just hard seeing all the posts where people are positive from 6dp5dt etc.
It very well could be implantation spotting though! I’ve always found the nurses to be a tad negative - when I got my bfp and my hcg came back at 88, my nurse acted like I was on the verge of miscarrying. Anyway, try stay strong and I hope to hear some good news when you do get around to testing! Xx
are you taking any vaginal progesterones? Less Aries or gel? Sometimes it can cause cervical irritation, could it be that?
Yeah, I just got off the phone from my clinic and they have advised it’s irritation from the pessaries (cyclogest) I’m on. I guess I’ll know soon enough! 😬😬
Just to give you reassurance, I had bright red bleeding but a day earlier than you which lasted till about 12dp5dt, maybe later. But it was all ok and turned out to be implantation bleeding. When I rang my clinic they were hesitant to say it was implantation because I guess they never really know and need to cover their backs. From all the reading I did, 8dp isn’t too late. Some are just late implanters. Hope you’re feeling a little better
I don't think there is a need to worry about taking your meds a bit later; they build up in our system and it takes few days for our body to get rid of them, so a few hours won't make much difference if you have been taking them for a couple of days already. I had implantation bleeding at 9dp6dt which was sooooo late I thought it was period. I did BetaHCG two days later and it was 42 so very low, but it rose nicely to 320 three days later, so that bleed was defo implantation in my case. Now I get why doctors tell to wait that long before you test; I was just about making a cut for a positive on 11dp6dt! I'm 5w5d today waiting for my viability scan. I have my fingers and toes crossed for you!!!! I really hope it will be a BFP
I’ve never had implantation bleeding but read lots of responses from ppl who have so just want to wish you good luck for your OTD! Xx