Hi all,
I’ve been with my amazing partner for 10 years, 25M and we want to bring life into the world.
I’ve been reading/watching the process of IVF and it had sucked all the fun out of “trying” for a baby. The whole process seems very invasive. Specifically the injections part of it all is not something I want to go through(despite NOT being scared of needles).
I’ve just had Hysterocopy and I passed out afterwards and I’m a bit traumatised from the experience. I have never experience anything as such and this is coming from someone who’s had multiple minor surgeries/procedures in life.!
I’ve also has a laparoscopy in 2022, which was fine. & now I have to go and get my polyps removed and based on the Hysterocopy I do not want to do that again, but have no choice.
I am a healthily 26 year old, I go gym 3x a week, I’ve never smoked nor drank in my life and do my best to eat healthily. I’m a Caribbean so we value our home cooked food.
I guess I came here to vent because I just feel fed up, like why do I have to put my partner and I through this to have a child?
long story short: how do I put the fun back in the process of IVf? / how do I overcome my worry/fear with IVF?