Hi everyone!! I'm due for egg collection on Monday and to be honest, I'm absolutely pooping myself about it! Can anyone tell me what it's like, how it feels etc?! Xx
Egg retrieval : Hi everyone!! I'm due... - Fertility Network UK
Egg retrieval

Mine was under general anaesthetic and was fine. Small amount of pain after but nothing major. I was nervous too but it was fine. I know some have it under sedation so can't really answer for that. Good luck though x
Hello. I had two of these done. The first time I was petrified like you. They will come and talk to you beofre you go into the room, they will ask you a bunch of questions get you to fill out a form. Explain what the procedure is. But you are completly knocked out. So you won't feel anthing. The procedure takes 10-12 mins. That is when hubby will do his bit of you are using his sperm. The rest of the time they keep a on you once you come around. They get you to go to the toilet to check you have no pain and or bleeding. Then they should tell you how many eggs they collected. They generally advice you to have the next day of. Good luck. X

Thanku!!! Did u have sedation or general? Xx
I had complete sedation. Which I prefer. Has you have no idea what happened. Xx
I'm only have sedation, I wasn't offered anything else! Eek lol! Xx
You won't feel a thing hunni. I had sedation one minute your led there confirming your who you are next minute they're waking you up lol. I was more uncomfortable than in pain after love, it takes different people different ways but I'm sure you'll be fine. Good luck chick xxxx
Hi I had egg collection over a week ago under sedation and I didn't feel a thing and had very little pain afterwards. I remember the lady telling me she was putting second sedation drug in and the next thing I remember was having a cup of tea back in the room. I had a cuppa and then went home and rested all day, they said I might feel drowsy but I felt fine. They told us when I came round how many eggs they had collected. Good luck and please don't worry you'll be fine x
When I had my collection done the staff at the clinic were lovely and explained everything. I was given general as I think my main clinic told them what I'm like with needles. I was fortunate not to have pain after but took a paracetamol just in case. Hope all goes well xxx
Hi, I was sedated for my egg collection, although I was awake I cant remember any of it. I was quite tired the rest of the day but it is fine. Try not to worry and good luck xxxxxxx
Hi please don't worry, I had sedation and wasn't offered anything else but it was the same as being asleep - I didn't feel a thing and was not aware of anything. Next thing I know it's over and im waking up in the room! I had hardly any pain after and just took paracetamol once. I promise you it will be over before you know it and you won't feel a thing xxx
Hi ya jus take it easy mine was early in the morning 6.30 am it was really exciting it only takes mins 2 do jus try an b positive and relax xxx
Hey dont worry i made myself sick with nerves i was put to sleep didnt feel anything was sore after found it difficult to sit but was okay walking and standing was fine within couple of days goodluck xxxx
Hi katied84, dnt worry you'll be fine. U wnt remember a thing of the procedure. Mine was exactly how piglet said. Once i woke up, i had a cup of tea with biscuits. I left the clinic about 3 hours later n and guess what i drove home, the clinic was about 10mins drive, and rested the whole day. No pain or bleeding.So dont worry you'll b fine