So I had egg retrieval yesterday, part of me disappointed we only managed 4 eggs and worried if any will get fertilised. 😥 if I get any decent ones to be put back in this weekend, how can I maximise my chances of getting pregnant?
Egg retrieval : So I had egg retrieval... - Fertility Network UK
Egg retrieval

Hi Starfish. Hope you’re feeling okay after your egg collection. I got four eggs on my last egg collection and two fertilised. I felt disappointed initially like you but remember it’s not all about quantity, it only takes one high quality one! Fingers and toes crossed you get good news on your update call today. xx 🤗
That’s reassuring x just nervous waiting for that call now. Though time is going so quickly xx hope all is well with you? X
I absolutely understand, it’s so nerve wracking. 😩I had my second egg collection yesterday and I’m currently waiting for our update call too. Keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you. 🤞🙏🤞 Xx
Good luck to you to chick xx let me know how you get on.
Thank you, you too. Xx 🤞🤞🐣
Managed to get one egg fertilised and will go in tomorrow to reinsert in x
Brilliant news. 🤗💛 We are still nervously waiting for our call xxx
Fingers n toes crossed Hun xx
I only had 4. I'm now a mummy to a beautiful little boy. None left in the freezer but it only took one! Good luck. Think positive!
It only takes one, keep positive. I just got my first ever positive result, I tested early 6 days after my FET and it looks good. In this cycle I had acupuncture couple of time before transfer day, ate and drank lots of pineapple and paid for an ‘add on’ of embryo glue. Not sure if all or none of these helped, but that’s what I done anyhow. Wishing you all the best xxx
Thank you for your advice. Got some pineapple today and intend to stay hydrated as warm today xx
It’s quality not quantity, I had a low number but ended up with more than a friend of mine who had double figures collected. We are all different, I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you. Good luck x