Struggling a bit this evening with negative thoughts. I just don’t feel pregnant. Whilst I understand that maybe I wouldn’t feel pregnant, the lack of signals from my body at the moment isn’t filling me with optimism. I’m meant to be testing two weeks after transfer but I have already decided to test on day 9. If I had a pregnancy test in my flat right now I would probably be using it 😬. I simply don’t have the mental strength to not test earlier than what the clinic recommends. I really need to channel more patience. I woke in the night earlier in the week with quite sudden, acute abdominal cramping but since then I haven’t really had any concrete symptoms at all. I just feel like I’d know and yet if anyone else said this I would be like “you wouldn’t necessarily have symptoms yet”. I understand that I am being irrational but it isn’t stopping me from thinking this way. I’m actually annoying myself 😂. Does anyone relate?
5 days past fresh embryo transfer. I ... - Fertility Network UK
5 days past fresh embryo transfer. I feel very much not pregnant...

Hi Here4ivfinfo, try to stay strong for at least 10 days post transfer. I had absolute zero symptoms in my fresh 5dt pregnancy and that was successful. Zero symptoms in the two week wait and practically zero in the pregnancy. I did not even show till I was around 6 month pregnant. While everyone is different symptoms watching is just agony. So try to stay strong. By contrast in my FET, I started having symptoms right away (extremely mild but there) but they stopped day 10 and that was the end of it. So no news can be good news. Think of that. I know it is hard to wait 2 weeks, but for me the dread of taking the test is worse than the wait. While waiting I am still hoping that everything is all right and the bean has latched. When the test comes (at 2 weeks post transfer!) there is no turning back. Wishing you lots of baby dust. You've got this.
Hey, I’m 4 days post transfer and I have no clever words of advice but just want to say that you have written the content of my mind 😭 I have the urge to test too but I’m holding out too. I know it’s hard to hold out but think about, if you did test now and it was negative then you would be still be paranoid that it was too early for the test to show so you’d still be paranoid. At least if you wait then you know the result is accurate. That’s what I’m telling myself anyway! Sending you lots of calming thoughts and hope you get a good result 🤞
Thanks for your response. It really messes with your head this waiting around! I think tomorrow I am going to just sort the spare bedroom out and I might head out to a bookstore and buy myself a novel to try and get distracted with. I think IVF is the ultimate test of patience and no one can possibly understand it until they have done it so I like to come here where I know there are people that truly understand. I’m treating this forum as an anonymous but public form of journalling 😂. I hope you get a positive result too and manage to hold out on testing too early 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
I’m doing house work too for distraction 🤣 and going to pop to a coffee shop just to pass the time. It’s agony isn’t it and you’re right only people in our position really understand.
Thank you, this is our 3rd go so I’m trying to be realistic plus I’m 41 now whereas was 29 and 31 when did our last goes but you never know 🤞x
I absolutely hate the 2WW. I tested early on my first transfer and that was it for all the others because I decided I'd rather know if implantation happened at all even if it didn't last. I had two early losses, then a successful FET, then a pregnancy of unknown location and on the latter my HCG got up to 3,000 whereas the previous two probably didn't get beyond 70. I also had a BFN on a recent FET and a month later I am apparently pregnant naturally for the first time ever in 10 tears of ttc! In all that, my symptoms were all over the place and in the early stages never correlated with whether the outcome was good or bad, so I think it was all down to the meds. On my successful transfer, when the pregnancy symptoms kicked in around 6 weeks they were unmistakable. With this shock natural one I've had pretty much no symptoms until I started taking progesterone a couple of days ago so assuming it's just the meds again. It's up to you when you test but I wouldn't read too much into symptoms at this early stage, and just keep hoping - right now you're pregnant until proven otherwise x
Congratulations to you on your pregnancy. It makes me feel better to know that even if I fail many times there is still a possibility of becoming pregnant. I wish you the best for a smooth pregnancy xxxx
Hi there, I am also 5 days past frozen embryo transfer and feel exactly the same. It's my third transfer in the year, the other two results were bfn! Already feeling like it's not worked, dont even have the progesterone symptoms I had on the last two transfers, I feel completely normal!! I really want to test early but my husband doesnt, im hoping the best for both of us and for now anyway we are pregnant until proven otherwise! X
I had lots of symptoms from the stimulation. I was so bloated that I felt pregnant! Wishing the best for your third time lucky 🍀 xxxx
Absolutely relate!! I had my transfer on Wednesday and feel nothing. Having had 3 previous BFNs with no symptoms it’s hard not to think the worse. Although I did have a BFP once too (only for a few weeks before miscarrying) and not sure I felt much then either. I’ve my pregnancy blood test on Friday and I just want to fast forward to then. I’ve got everything crossed you get your positive result, thinking of you.
Enjoy your birthday celebrations. Xx
First off please don't test early as the result will not be accurate and it can cause unnecessary anxiety. Secondly actual pregnancy symptoms do not usually start for most women until around 4 to 6 weeks, and some women don't experience any symptoms at all in the first trimester. So the lack of symptoms you are experiencing means absolutely nothing. I know you already know this but hopefully reading it from someone else will help! Also do not be hard on yourself for feeling paranoid and anxious I think its completely normal when your have experienced previous losses. Try and find something to occupy your mind like binge watching something, reading your favourite book, try a new hobby, give yourself a little treat every day for not testing, and plan nice things to do with your partner after the 2ww like a day trip or mini break so whatever the outcome you will have something to look forward too. Good luck x
please dine beat yourself up for testing ‘early’ not that 9 days is early at all 10 days past is actually the test date this Stacie from my clinic as it’s a fresh cycle. It’s your body and your pee and you can test it whenever you like to have an indication of what’s going on! Sure you will become a crazy test lady but for some of us that works and some not doesn’t … either way we are all crazy in the 2WW. Symptoms would be really reassuring, I have gotten a positive with no symptoms and I’m literally squeezing my boobs every 2mins like nope feel normal and getting worried so I know it can happen without symptoms but it would just makenot easier to have them wouldn’t it! Good luck to you whenever you decide to test 🤗💜 xx
I don’t think you’ll ever know via early symptoms if im honest! Only way is to take a test around the accurate testing time. I had two rounds of IVF, had loads of symptoms (so I thought) and would cling on to anything and everything but was negative. We then fell pregnant naturally by some miracle and I had zero symptoms what so ever, didnt have a clue until period was late and was waiting to start third cycle. Try to keep yourself distracted, know what’s easier said than done! Wishing you all the luck x
I think everyone is going to have very different opinions on testing early- the first two times I waited till day 11. Neither worked and I massively regretted holding hope for that long and vowed to test early the next time. The third time I tested 7dp5dt ( I would have tested earlier but wanted to make sure trigger wouldn’t show) and I got a positive. From my many years on all these forums I knew that whatever showed at 7dp5dt would be most likely correct and if it was to be a chemical I would rather know. Luckily it stayed and I’m now 14 weeks.
Each three times I had different symptoms. The first time I had felt nauseous lots, the second time I had had loads of twinges, the third time I had had some twinges but my only actual symptom was a dry mouth and then some implantation bleeding and I didn’t get that till 6dpt but not everyone gets that or indeed any symptoms and some people get loads of symptoms and it hasn’t worked!
So try and stay strong and if you want to test then test! Don’t let it drive you crazy.
Thanks very much for this thorough response and massive congratulations to you!!! Day 7 lands on my Birthday, whilst this would be the best Birthday present ever I have decided not to test tomorrow as I don’t want to ruin my day. I am still thinking of testing this coming Tuesday, on day 9. X
Yes I def wouldn’t test on your birthday! Wait till after for sure. I had an extra scan on my birthday at 9 weeks and I did feel like I was playing with fire a bit in case we got bad news on the scan! 🙈 luckily all was well and it was a lovely bday present. But yes definitely not worth the risk of testing. Enjoy your birthday!
With my last transfer, I had implantation twinges and that’s it until nausea set in at 6 weeks. Unfortunately, I lost pregnancy at 8w, but I still became pregnant.
I’m sorry to hear that it didn’t work out for you in the end. Wishing you the best for future pregnancies xxxxx
On my successful fresh transfer my only symptom was sore nipples but I had a suspicion it worked. On my successful FET I had a teeny bit of cramping a few times but that was it, and as it was different to the first time I was convinced it didn’t work. No symptoms can be a good thing-plenty of people have all the symptoms then a BFN. You’re definitely not out! Xx
thanks for the reassurance xxxxx