It’s at this point where I am literally having to tie my hands up to not test. I think I have post traumatic stress syndrome from my prior six miscarriages and I feel like I am suffocating from the stress right now!! Being on lock down day 19 doesn’t help either (I’m based in greece). Apart from feeling heavy down there and sore boobs nothing else. This waiting is killing me. Just wanted to share for some positive vibes from all of you. I want this more than anything in the world right now. Don’t we all?
9 days after frozen embryo transfer - Fertility Network UK
9 days after frozen embryo transfer

Corchi Love, I’ve been there, the wait is a killer! But you’re SO CLOSE to testing, you’ll have your answer soon Hun I have my fingers crossed for you 🍀🤞🏻🍀🤞🏻🍀🤞🏻🍀🤞🏻🍀🤞🏻🍀🤞🏻🍀🤞🏻🍀🤞🏻🍀🤞🏻🍀wishing you all the luck in the world! Xxxx

Thank you sweet Issy <3
I am 10dp5dt and havent tested yet. Dont have courage to test. Hopefully we both will have our BFP. I felt crampy 8dp5dt and dont feel anything at the moment. Just bloatung here and there.
lets pray yes. When you going to test?
Will test on 1st April.
I can really relate to the heavy down there comment. And actually the only way I’ve been able to describe it to my OH. I’m 6dp5dt and already going stir crazy. I won’t test before even though I know some people do. And maybe in my mind (not sure if anyone can relate) but it’s me holding onto hope longer. Also I think testing several times for me until my TD would just cause extra anxiety. Maybe in my own head no news is good news. I don’t know. Am waffling now
Thats how i feel. I am meant to home test tomorrow to avoid going to hospital but i am terrified. As long as i have no blood and cramps i feel safe somewhat ....
Sending positive vibes and all the luck in the universe. You're right; lockdown isn't exactly helpful for distracting you from thinking about test day! Soon soon soon. xxxxx
Good luck for tomorrow Corchi! I have my fingers crossed 🤞 for you xxx
Sending you lots of positive thoughts Corchi! Everything is still firmly crossed for you xxx
Lots of luck!!💕🤞🏻🙏🏻🤗xxx