Hello everyone, I am 20 years old. So me and my fiance had unprotected sex and now my period is 14 days late and I have been experiencing weird symptoms like lower back pain, pelvic cramps, I start noticing I was spotting and wonder if this is implantation bleeding.
Is this implantation bleeding? - Fertility Network UK
Is this implantation bleeding?

This is a forum for people suffering Infertility and going though IVF. Maybe find a general pregnancy forum? May advice would be to do a pregnancy test.
the only way to know is to do a test. Oh the morning preferably on the most concentrated wee. It could be anything else and actually that’s a lot of blood so it might be just a hormone imbalance this month or something.
Mine change color to brown and only last for 2 days.
I really don’t know as I never had implantation bleeding and only know people who haven’t had very much at all. But it is impossible to know so suggest you do a test. It would be reliable if on the date of your missed period so there’s no question it would be correct by now. Also it would be way too late for implantation bleeding, as that would happen before the date of your missed period (as it happens about day 5 after ovulation - usually mid cycle). However lots of people bleed for one reason or another during pregnancy so do get a test.

Hi Smile. Sorry but had to remove the photo as we do not allow pictures of bleeding on pads etc. Diane