Hi all,
I am going to run out of DHEA 3-4 days before my egg retrieval and the amount I have (8 pills or so) means I need to go down to 50mg a day not 75mg to make it last as many days as possible.
I know this is my own fault for being disorganised and not checking the bottle, pfft.
I have asked my clinic is this OK or will it cause a negative effect and they said it SHOULD be OK - they usually advise taking DHEA up until the day before egg collection - but they don't have any research to say, so they can't really advise me (I guess they have to say this from a legal perspective).
Does anyone here have any advice? I could get a prescription from my clinic - it would mean paying £100 for just a few days of pills. I am minded not to, as surely a drop in testosterone levels can not negatively impact? But in the absence of a definite answer from my clinic, thought I would ask