Hello to all,
I am thinking to try DHEA now after I heard a strong recommendation from a friend who succeeded her third IVG cycle with it and has a wee boy now.
I failed my 1st round but it was fair enough as I didn't put much effort to make my body to be ready. Didn't even take folic acid and other multivitamins. But after failed my first round and having read many many stories of other people I have realised how stupid I was and am more determined this time.
When I met my new consultant to discuss about our next round which is next month and how we can do differently to improve the chance of pregnancy, I then asked if there's anything I can do to improve egg quality she said no. (Which I don't believe)
But my friend who did her IVF in S.Korea said that her consultant was advising her to so many nutritional pills such as Implamin,coQ10, Inovita, folic Acid, VitaminD3, and DHEA.
My friend said DHEA saved her life as all her eggs were empty and the number was so poor before taking DHEA. But after taking DHEA she managed to have 6 decent sized and good quality eggs and one of them was the golden egg. The rest were so good so they were all frozen as well.
So I am thinking to try DHEA now. But after numerous searches on internet I can't find it. There are few items on eBay but all of them are coming from USA. I would like to buy either EU or UK products if possible.
Does anyone know where I can buy DHEA pls?