So I have googled a lot of the posts in this forum on DHEA and it seems to be the general consensus that DHEA is worth taking (I have been taking it) but that when it gets too high it can intefere with egg quality, which is a concern.
Like everyone I have read It Starts with the Egg and of course the measurements on there are not the same as the measurements in the UK; and whenever you google for a comparison or translation it's all very different so i am not sure i trust it.
If anyone has recommended levels in umol/L for DHEA S and nmol/L for Testosterone that would be great so I can compare mine!
Some interesting notes from my clinic that may be of interest to anyone here:
- They said that there is no upper limit they have seen for DHEA/testosterone, which is why they do not test levels. I paid for my levels to be tested, but then could not find recommended DHEA/Testosterone levels in the measurements above that my clinic test
- My consultant said that there is a difference in what is "too high" from taking DHEA, and a natural testosterone level in a woman. So even if our scores on DHEA go higher, that isn't necessarily the same as it being too high naturally
- He advised that women with PCOS and naturally high levels of testosterone had successful pregnancies
The only thing my clinic recommended is monitoring my syptoms and if these became very bad they would reduce. And apart from greasy skin and a few more spots, but not loads, I haven't had any noticeable syptoms.'s too late to do anything as I have taken 75mg of DHEA per day and am coming up to my third egg retrieval in a few weeks. But it's certainly a tricky one to be taking this and not actually know is there a chance it could have been too high and impacted on eggs!
I enjoy reading up on the process but it can often lead to more stress I feel than if I had just done no research, lol!