I have been having ovulation induction treatment and am planning to start IVF soon. On a recent scan, a 5mm submucosal fibroid showed up and I was very lucky that my private health cover entitled me to an appointment and should cover the costs of surgery.
I have had one chemical pregnancy but none others to date.
At the appoitnment, the Dr suggested a hysteroscopy to shave down the fibroid, which I totally agreed to.
He also noted that because I had a few minor signs of endometriosis (very occasional pain during deep sex / one certain position, heavy-ish periods, have not yet conceived), it may be worth doing a lapraroscopy to check for it. I'm unsure whether to go ahead with this. On the one hand, it would be good to know definitively I don't have endo, and if I do to have it treated. On the other hand, i'm worried that if the surgery is unnecessary, it could cause scar tissue which goes on to cause issues, or indeed delay my concetion tmelines due to recovery times.
I was wondering if anybody had experiences ot share which may convince me to go ahead or not?
Many thanks x