Hi. I had my egg collection on Monday, and have a potential fresh transfer this Saturday. If I get more than one blastocyst, I’m going to send them for PGT-A testing 🙏. But if there’s only one blastocyst, I’ll go ahead with a fresh transfer on Saturday.
I’m a bit of a drama queen when it comes to internal examinations, and I yelped a bit when I was having my scans during stims. However, they all went ahead, and once the probe is in, I’m absolutely fine (sorry if TMI).
I was a bit surprised when my consultant called me yesterday to advise that I should be sedated if I have a fresh transfer on Saturday. He said that my lady parts were “tense” even when I was sedated for my egg collection (!), and he thinks this is the best way forward.
This is all psychological, so I’m a bit annoyed that this has been raised. I was feeling relaxed about Saturday, but now I’m constantly worrying that I won’t be able to go through with the transfer. To be honest, the last thing I want is to be sedated again. I’m still feeling out-of-sorts from Monday, and I’ll have to go and stay with my parents again. I’m also unbelievably busy at work at the moment, and have meetings this weekend (although I know I shouldn’t be putting work first). I’ll have to pay £500 for an anaesthetist.
The other option is to take a mild sedative ahead of the transfer in order to relax myself.
Hugely grateful for any thoughts. Is the embryo transfer really that different from when they use a probe to do internal scans?
Thanks x