hello everyone! Hope u are all doing good. Today is 7 days since my frozen embryo transfer and bcos i was not feeling anything apart from sore and swollen boobs, high body temperature and hiccup which could possibly be due to medications im not feeling nothing just a lil cramp which started yesterday and AF is in 3days. I just decided to test on day 5 and today day 7 which are all N’s. Im sad and feel im out. Any hope it might be too early?
tested at 7dp5dFET: hello everyone... - Fertility Network UK
tested at 7dp5dFET

I would say that yes, there is still hope. Did your clinic give you a date to test? They all seem to be a bit different and from what I've seen on here, the earliest seems to be day 12. I think they do that because they know that by day 12/13/14/whenever, the result you get is most likely to be accurate. Thinking of you.
It's a little early.. hang in there abit more
yes still early to say you are out. I felt nothing except for the common sore boobs. I was convinced it was done as well, but jezzz I was wrong. I tested negative until day 7 and tested again on day 10 with First Response the line showed up, very faint though. My OTD was day 11, showing pregnant with Clear Blue. I’m now 5m in and it was my 3rd transfer. Keep that hope!
Wow! Hopefully its still early for me. Just tested again at 4am day 8, still negative. Was your test negative on day 7 as well? Im glad im getting use to the bfn for now atleast it will help me accept whatever the outcome may be . I wish you a pleasant and successfully journey with your little angel coming❤️