As the title says I gave into to curiousity and tested this morning got a BFN and not only am I gutted but I feel so stupid for testing so early too!!
I had 2 day 6 blasts transfered on Monday last week so it was only 5 days ago. I tested because I had heard of other people getting a positive at this stage and I wanted to be put out of my misery one way or the other. As a positive would mean we had hope and were still in with a chance and a negetive would mean more time to get my head sorted before I go back to work. Now that its a negetive I just feel so low. I had thought we had a good chance with 2 day 6 blasts but it seems not. This process is just so cruel. I suppose I should have known it was going to be a BFN as I was having zero symptoms and I have been irritable like before AF is due. I know that isnt a definite sign it has failed but i suppose I just had a feeling. Really annoyed at myself for doing the test as I am now totally gutted and upset with another week to wait until my OTD and then I have to go through it all again. If any ladies reading this are on their 2ww and are tempted to test early please please take my advice and dont, it isnt worth it. Stick to your OTD as it removes any doubt of it being a false positive or negetive and you know where you stand. Im in a kind of hellish limbo at the minute and ive only myself to blame.