Going Private Vs NHS: Hi everyone, I... - Fertility Network UK

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Going Private Vs NHS

Hopingforarainbow profile image

Hi everyone,

I’m just wondering if anyone has went for private IVF and if so how costly was it? My husband and I have been trying for 3 years now, had a miscarriage Jan 2018. We’ve both been through all tests and they can’t find anything wrong so classed as unexplained infertility which is so frustrating. We’re currently on the NHS waiting list to start IVF. We had hoped to start late summer but now because of Covid we have no idea when we will start. I’ve tried ringing the clinic but got no where. The waiting game is the worst part. So we are considering whether we should pay and go private to try speed things up a bit. I worry time is running out for us. I’m 36, he’s 38.

Should we wait it out? Or go private?

Sorry for my repeat reply further down! 🤦🏼‍♀️ I’m new to this and just trying to work out how to navigate around and work the blooming thing!

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21 Replies
LunaLovegood11 profile image

Hey there, we went private as funding isn’t available in our area.

We had initial tests done with the nhs, from first appointment to results was about 6 months and the we were told there’s no funding so go find a private clinic as IVF was our only chance.

We found a local-ish place and used the access fertility refund scheme which is worth looking at if you’re paying. All in all I think it was about £18k, for 3 rounds including medications and blood tests. If you can get copies of your test results and they’re within 3 months the clinic should accept these and it can save hundreds.

I will say we were so impressed by the private service level and results. But would have gone NHS if the choice was there first for at least one round I think.

Best of luck xx

Hopingforarainbow profile image
Hopingforarainbow in reply to LunaLovegood11

18K wow! I see from your post earlier you have a beautiful baby boy. I bet he is so worth every penny! Did it take you the 3 rounds to get to where you are? x

Ivfgotadream profile image
Ivfgotadream in reply to Hopingforarainbow

How many cycles are you entitled to on the NHS? If it’s only 1 I’d probably cut your losses and go straight to private - at my clinic I had My consultation and could have stated 2 weeks later If I’d wanted to when I next got my period but my clinic only does mild IVF or natural modified IVF.

I’ve done 5 rounds - total spent £35k but we did do some PGS testing and I had 4 transfers in that plus ICSI and all cycles were freeze all’s which really bumps up the cost.

I’ve just done a 3 cycle package of natural modified which with ICSI, all drugs, freezing, storage and 1 transfer was £13.5k - I took out a 5 year loan at £275/mth. I’m 7 weeks today with twins with another 2 good embryos frozen

Hopingforarainbow profile image
Hopingforarainbow in reply to Ivfgotadream

We would be entitled to 3 cycles on the NHS and I know that’s a blessing because there are many areas where IVF on the NHS is not an option. It’s the waiting that’s driving me nuts. I just feel both me and hubby aren’t getting any younger so should we push on and go private? If covid hadn’t happened we prob would have waited. But it’s the not knowing how far behind clinics are going to be.

Congratulations to you :) I wish you all the best. Twins, wow that really is amazing. Twins would be a dream come true for me.

Ivfgotadream profile image
Ivfgotadream in reply to Hopingforarainbow

Thanks! Still Doesn’t feel real to be honest 🤣

I’d check your local NHS guidelines - as most NHS deduct any private rounds you’ve had from theirs so if you do 1 private they’ll reduce your entitlement to 2. But to be honest most people I know have had better treatment and service and success rates at private clinics so I’d probably do a private cycle whilst your waiting to hear about the NHS

Millbanks profile image

We were in the NHS system which was great but slow. Then covid kicked in... we spoke to a private clinic and within 20 days had started stims. Im not saying it’s for everyone but I was so relieved to be actually moving forward for me it was worth it xx

Peanutchips profile image

We were in the NHS system waiting to start our 2nd FET, I’d already waited a few months and then Covid happened so everything was put on hold. In the end we decided to ship our embryos to a private clinic and started super quickly. I had my FET on Tues. We’d still be waiting if we were with NHS. Although of course it’s not an option for everyone and we were lucky we had embryo created on NHS. If you do go privately, check to see if they accept tests done on NHS. We did that and it really helped x

Peanutchips profile image
Peanutchips in reply to Peanutchips

To give context, I had egg collection in Aug 2019, freeze all due to OHSS. Only had 1 FET since then as one FET was cancelled x

Millbanks profile image
Millbanks in reply to Peanutchips

Weirdly my story is almost exactly the same as yours ☺️

Peanutchips profile image
Peanutchips in reply to Millbanks

That’s so strange! Fingers crossed it’s our for dream come true really soon 🤞🏻😊 xxx

Naddy1 profile image

We are on the waiting list for NHS and the plan was always to start in October, however I work in the NHS and know our backlog of surgeries is crazy so feel the backlog for ivf will also be long. If I thought we had any chance of actually starting in October I would have waited.

We went private, were able to use all of our tests that were done on nhs, only thing we needed was HIV and hepatitis status for both of us, they were around £230. Initial consultation plus tv scan and a repeat SA (we wanted this as we have male factor) was £620. One round at our clinic is around £7k including icsi but not including drugs. However we are doing a multi cycle package through Access fertility which is £10,500 minus drugs.

We are so very lucky to have recently inherited some money otherwise we would have no option but to wait for nhs.

Me and OH debated this for a while to finally decide to go private. Weigh up the pro’s and cons together. PM me if you have any other questions i’d be happy to help.

Hopingforarainbow profile image
Hopingforarainbow in reply to Naddy1

Hi Naddy1, thanks for replying. I also work in the NHS (not fertility) and know that our backlog is going to be mental so I was guessing the IVF backlog will be the same. We only had our 1st consultation beginning of March where we discussed everything and were told it was around a 6 month wait to start. I suggested late summer and they agreed it would be late summer prob August/sept. Obviously that was before covid. They told me I wouldn’t hear from them again until we were at top of the list. I’m now guessing with the backlog etc we probably won’t start this year. I think it will be well into next year before they catch up. When I tried to phone the clinic to ask the receptionist was very unhelpful and just told me to keep checking the website and that’s all she could tell me. It’s just so bloody frustrating. It’s good to hear/read of other people’s journeys and know I’m not alone x

Naddy1 profile image
Naddy1 in reply to Hopingforarainbow

Our nhs consultation was cancelled back in April but the consultant called me, we spoke through our history and current male factor issues. He said give it until October and he’ll put us on the list. So have no idea what would have actually happened in October. I think after xmas is realistic. I just mentally cant wait that long.

I don’t want to sway your opinion but our private journey has been so smooth and quick. After the hard decision of actually choosing a clinic I am happy and will be starting meds on CD3 roughly 10 days away 😬

You are not alone I’m sure there are so many people in our same position debating private/nhs. X

Hopingforarainbow profile image
Hopingforarainbow in reply to Naddy1

I feel the same. I don’t want to wait. It’s not doing good for my mental health each month when my period comes I hit rock bottom. Then I try to pick myself up and get the hope back that maybe this next month will be our month. Didn’t help the other week at work 2 girls announced they were pregnant (1 I know had been trying for a while) and although I am really happy for them both it hurt so bad. I just wanted to shut myself away in the toilets and cry.

Finallypresent profile image

After getting frustrated with NHS waiting lists we paid for initial assessment with private clinic. They then secured NHS funding on our behalf for treatment with them. Totally worth the £500 to jump start treatment plus private clinic has been incredible. We were delayed due to covid-19 and now are two days away from finding out if it's worked - fingers, toes, everything crossed!

Hopingforarainbow profile image
Hopingforarainbow in reply to Finallypresent

I have everything crossed for you xx

Finallypresent profile image
Finallypresent in reply to Hopingforarainbow

BFP! Can't quite believe it. This is the end of a long road for us - 3 years like you. Got to 12 weeks with first pregnancy then had to terminate at 14 due to anomaly picked up at scan. Then nothing for 2 years. I'd say personally if you can afford it, don't wait. Best £500 I've ever spent. Hoping your journey has the happy ending you deserve xx

Hopingforarainbow profile image
Hopingforarainbow in reply to Finallypresent

Thank you and Congratulations xx

ADC2019 profile image

Its so hard to know whats for the best its a lot of money. I wish i had ivf privately at the start of my journey when i was young enough to qualify for one of the package deals. I have had 6 iui treatments on nhs then my first ivf was cancelled in March due to covid. Im 40 in January and was referred just after my 36th birthday. The money seemed a lot to pay but ultimately now that im older and my chances of success are declining i am fully expecting to have to go private after this cycle anyway and may end up coating me more than i would have spent. I actually looked into going private a few weeks ago but decided to give it another couple of months x

Wondering what clinic to use? Has anyone used GCRM?? xx

LeeCee15 profile image


We went private as my partner has a child from a previous relationship so we couldn’t go with the NHS. Saying that I would’ve probably gone private anyway as we weren’t getting anywhere with NHS. My partner had tests done that he was referred for by his GP and it came back with no sperm count, he was then told there’s nothing that could be done but we went private and he was put on meds and was able to produce some sperm that’s been used for our ICSI cycle 🙂. We have 4 frozen embies waiting for us. I’m not saying all NHS treatments are bad by the way, I just didn’t feel like we were a priority so glad we went private but it isn’t cheap. At our clinic you’d be looking at between 5-7k to get to your first cycle, I’ve had loads of other issues though and have spent quite a bit more than that ☹️ but hopefully it will all be worth it in the end Xx

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