2 Embryos left and in late 40’s - Fertility Network UK

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2 Embryos left and in late 40’s

zobot profile image
5 Replies

I have 2 frozen embryos left and have an appt next month to discuss another transfer. I am late 40’s and have had a a few years gap since last time due to covid and losing my dad & partner been v unwell. Want to give it best I can any advice /tips for my heath , well-being . Things others did . Thanks x

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5 Replies
Hope823 profile image

I dont have any advise...are you thinking to transfer both embryos together or one and later another one? All the best, please try to remain calm and positive. Sending you hugs 💆‍♀️

Poop84 profile image

have your clinic considered nk cell biopsy the era, Alice and Emma tests? Considering it’s your last two embryos it’s important they have done everything possible to help implantation.

Not sure if these are pgs tested embryos or not but by doing the above it gives you a better chance.

Also, in terms of what you can do yourself meditate, eat antioxidants , take supplements and keep those feet warm.

Gentle exercise like walks and light weights, or yoga. And accupunture Espc on day of transfer xxx

Christianbaby profile image

I was 39 when I have my second IVF that proved successful. It was also after we changed clinic and went overseas. We also have 3 embryos left frozen. I'm 41 now. I think we still have a fighting chance. I'm doing donor eggs. Are you using your own eggs?

DreamingOfTwo79 profile image

Hello Zobot. I am 44 and hoping to start my first FET next month. I also only have two frozen embryos, both PGT-A euploid. I wanted to make sure I go into transfer having given my embryos the best chance of implanting and staying with me so I did the EMMA, ALICE, ERA, Natural Killer Cells bloods and biopsy, as well as thrombophilia and thyroid profile. I try to eat healthily within reason (I limit sugar but can't resist the odd bit of chocolate or cake!), I could definitely do more on the exercise front but I'm walking briskly for about 40min every day which fits into my schedule well, I also take Vit E, Vit D, Pregnacare and Methyl Folate in prepapration for transfer. Otherwise I'm trying and often failing to get a lot of sleep and generally trying to stay optimistic that it will happen! Wishing you the best of luck! x

Leebee03 profile image

My third transfer was successful at the age of 43. Things I did differently for that round were: probiotics (garden of life ones), baby aspirin, vitamin e and ate beetroot, protein powder added to certain meals, ate quite a lot of eggs and porridge and put chia seeds and mixed seeds on them. It was a double transfer and only one stick so no idea if any of the above helped or was just down to the embryo (they were both well graded), however they’re all said to help lining and environment so can’t hurt to try. Also, as someone above said, light exercise such as regular walking. Wishing you all the very best with it!! Xx

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