Just got back from my egg transfer and I'm feeling very down and extremely upset as we had to transfer 2 embryos today as they were both Grade C. Day 3 phone call suggested that they were doing really really well and so I assumed they would around Grade A/B. What are the chances of them implanting 😥
2 embryos transferred : Just got back... - Fertility Network UK
2 embryos transferred

Hey hun . What about the 3rd one ? Didn’t make it ? I’m sorry for that ...but u got two baby’s on board so u may have a twins . I’m not the expert but u had 5 day transfer so I think if they didn’t think they good enough they will say something. Hun please u have two on board so u need to stay positive and relax . Xx
I'm so sorry to hear about this. There's still reason to be optimistic. Don't lose the faith, honey. You could easily have twins from this! I hope it happens for you. Sending you my best wishes and lots of love. You can do this! x
Thank you but I think it's just going to take some time to get over it. What stage are you at Lana?
How u feeling hun ? Xx
Not great. Spent all day in bed crying my eyes out! X
Oh no don’t please 😔 Your baby’s need u now . Nothing is over hun please it doesn’t help being upset. I know 2ww is the worst but not all here have chances to be in that place. We all with different problems and issues here. When I start this cycle I thought will never end ...I was for so long and I had a cyst drain and I even thought that this cycle may be cancel .... I don’t know what to say to make u feel better part from please don’t give up yet xx
Thank you Olivia for making me feel better. I'm trying really hard today to be positive. It just came as a shock to me yesterday! Hope you're doing well.
That good hun u feeling better. I’m doing ok . Im only resting in evening when my little one is sleeping so all day she is keeping me busy ☺️ This waiting time is really hard but I’m straying to stay positive. Any phone call about your 3rd embie? Xx
That's good. Its day 3 for you isn't it? Are you experiencing any symptoms? Yes, third one didn't make it. It's ok though, I wasn't really holding out hope for it xx
Wishing you the best of luck x
Hi hun any news about the 3rd one ?xx
How r u hun ?xx
I've been getting really bad cramps and lower back pain. The back pain is nothing new though. I've always had a really bad back. It's really stressing this tww and I'm only on 3dp5dt! I've been watching lots of movies to occupy my mind as I don't know what else to do. I don't feel like going out or socialising with anyone, I just want to stay at home in my jammies! How are doing? Hope you're well xx
Lower back pain and cramps that could be good sign hun 🙏 I only had cramps after OTD . Thats good I was like that too on my second cycle.. pyjamas films and sofa . I cannot do that now I got my little one running around not letting me seat down for longer then 10 min ☺️ Just don’t do anything that u don’t feel doing hun . Xx
I'm trying not to read too much into the symptoms as people suggest it could be the pessaries. I'm thinking if it was the side effect from pessaries, why did I not get these symptoms before ET as I had already been using the pessaries for 4 days before that. These symptoms only started after ET. It could still be due to the pessaries, maybe it just takes a while for the symptoms to kick in. Aaarrrggghhh, I don't know.....😔 xx