Hi everyone, this is the first time ive posted but just looking to see if anyone has been in similar situation. I have got a frozen transfer next Wednesday and I have been so constipated for nearly 3 weeks. I am eating everything you are meant to be eating to make you go to the toilet and been taking laxitives for the last 2 days (should have started before!!) but nothing seems to be working! Its making me really stressed when I was hoping to be feeling relaxed, which I know wont be helping, I am just so worried that being so constipated will have a negative effect on the transfer. Has anyone been in a similar position just before transfer and had a positive result?
Constipation & transfer : Hi everyone... - Fertility Network UK
Constipation & transfer

I was so stressed going ro transfer I was the same. I ate more fruit tried sugaR free sweets. Strong coffee. Laxatives. I ended up having a 40g serving of high bran asdas own. Twice a day. See if you can find a high fibre food you like.
have you tried prunes? They really worked for me. I’ve found Waitrose prunes the tastiest ones
No can't say I have. Not really a fan. Was wondering how they tasted mixed with yohurt.
Are you on progesterone? That can leave you really constipated.My SIL suffers quite a lot from constipation and she swears by a glass of warm milk. On that topic, are you drinking plenty of water/liquids along with all the fiber?
Hope it clears soon and good luck!!
coffee (I drink decaf) and citrus fruit losen it for me. My husband bought a squat stall from Amazon, yes it’s a thing and it helped a lot, it is to keep your legs high up when you sit on the loo
I sometimes suffer from constipation. I take Mag07. You can get it from Amazon. 5 of those before bed for 2 nights with plenty of water would absolutely do the trick. It's magnesium.
On going now I take 2 different types of magnesium from British Supplements and find that works.
I'm not a fan of laxatives, but if you have to take them, movicol is good. That was recommended to me by an a&e doctor.
Good luck and don't worry. Constipation is really common in pregnancy, so I don't think it will impact results.
I was constipated too from all the hormones (fresh transfer). I suffer with a degree of constipation normally! I was advised Lactulose from my clinic if I needed anything.
Water, fibre, walking.. One caffeinated coffee on a morning, then decaf if I wanted another hot drink during the day.
Easy to say not to worry - so much harder to actually do - but I am sure you are not the first! I got quite constipated on progesterone, but we had a positive outcome in the end ☺️
Hopefully it will shift for you soon!
Wishing you all the best for your transfer 🤞🧡
Another vote for Lactulose here. My clinic advised it and it worked wonders! Good luck lovely. Xx
I was advised lactulose too by my clinic and agree it really helped! ☺️ Good luck! X
More laxatives, lots of banana and lots of water. It would be best if you get that out of your system by Wednesday for your transfer. Could you also give your specialist a call and ask for their advice? It's best any laxatives you're taking are doctor prescribed.
Unfortunately, constipation is quite normal during IVF. I had it after egg collection, and although i didnt have it before my FET, i did get it during the tww, and it certainly didnt help with stress levels! I did get a BFP though (and am now 20 weeks), so im thinking it didnt make a difference!
Lots of tips above - papaya and Ispaghula husk (which acts as a natural bulk forming laxative) always helps me.
All the best with the transfer x
Hello, just for reassurance I suffered a lot with this, I think from the progesterone. I even had haematoma’s so a bit scary at times, but all has progressed ok and currently 27 weeks. So I wouldn’t worry about it affecting things leading up to your transfer and after. X
Try psyllium husk, you can add it to yogurt, soups, etc. But you need to be careful and drink a lot of water with it, if not it can cause a block. Best of luck to you 🍀🤞
I was awfully constipated after my transfer. Have you tried fybogel it works for some people as far as I’m aware it can be used during treatment. I had a successful pregnancy
Hello lovely. I was sooooo constipated during my transfer time and it made no difference to the result as I did get pregnant. I would recommend prune juice! Surprisingly effective if you drink at least one glass, if not two, a day.
Senna works for me . There are also rectal suppositories for quick relief of needed. They take about 15 -30 min to do their thing. Might be worth it to get things going. Go to your pharmacy and ask? ♥️