I had my FET of a day 5 blastocyst last Thursday am day 5 post transfer and stupidity tested with an afternoon urine sample and got a BFN … is day 5 too early to test or am I really out of the game already? Always say 2ww is like Pandora’s box and testing early is like opening the box. Anyone in my same situation please let me know
2ww driving mental! : I had my FET of a... - Fertility Network UK
2ww driving mental!

Day 5 is too early. Put the tests away and try to relax xxx
thanks figured as much but the urge to test was tooo strong
it’s soo difficult not too. I just didn’t have any in the house. It will honestly make you go insane and cause soo much stress xxx I’ve got everything crossed for you xxx
If you had your transfer last Thursday are you 4 days past today rather than 5? 4/5 days is still very early I would try & hold out for a few more days! I know how had it is xx
Hi Saddoc,
Oh my god I’m in the exactly same boat🫢
I had my FET 5blast on Friday. 3 days post embryo transfer and is literally as AF is around the corner, so freaked out and tested today 4dpt and obviously is a BFN!
I know it’s way too early but those cramps are not giving me much hope😩
Have you got any symptoms?
Finger crossed and baby dust💕
I am the very same I had my fet last Fri morning and tested yesterday bfn no symptoms whatsoever only like pms cramping off and on but I feel like all my pms symptoms are here I'm craving chocolate, I'm irritable etc. No spotting or sore boobs. I have only one with this clinic so it's our last chance. I'd 2 failed fet previously. I'm 39. I did the chromosome testing, I did the receptive testing so gave it the best chance but I feel defeated since tbh. With my last 2 fet I had no symptoms and it was a bfn
I am the same got no symptoms apart from bloating due to the ridiculous amount of drugs. Feel like am out of the game now . Testing day is on Saturday so not going to do any other tests. Whatever will be will be
I only had period like cramps at your stage. My transfer was last week Monday. It wasn't until 8dpt that I had implantation bleeding, so you're definitely still in with a chance. Oh and I'm very irritable. 🤣
Good luck
hey! I had my FET on 7th feb, I’m now 8dpt with 5d blastocyst I tested negative is it too early to test. So disheartened been so upset. My first cycle gave me a positive but misscarried at 6 weeks. I feel pregnant but know that could be meds too. Is there still time for a BDP?? Xxxx