Struggling with how many decisions we need to make in preparing for IVF with what seems risks involved with every option. We’ve currently got dates booked in to start a cycle with GCRM Glasgow and while they haven’t done anything that concerns us, it also doesn’t feel very personal with just a standard process being recommended and little discussion about how the plan is bespoke to us. Does anyone have any personal experience with them?
I wanted to do my due diligence and so have also looked in to abroad clinics. Someone rightly so challenged why I would simply choose the clinic closest to me other than it being convenient? I’ve had consultations with abroad clinics and they seem much more positive about my prospects and keen to do further tests and investigations before jumping in to treatment. Waiting times are also shorter and success rates appear better (although I appreciate there are lots of scrutiny over these).
Has anyone had treatment in UK and then went abroad, or went straight abroad without trying the UK first?
Any personal experiences shared would be much appreciated. My head is frazzled!