Hi everyone, I haven’t been too active on a forum recently as my husband got ill and the whole infertility pain was put into perspective. We were planning to do our second IVF in February but life had its own agenda so had to put it on hold. My husband is on a mend and his endocrinologist thinks that his fertility should be going back on track now. The question is whether to start the IVF (it will cost us around £9k) or to give a bit more time and try naturally hoping that his sperm will be better quality after the medication and perhaps I could get pregnant the old-fashioned way? Any thoughts would be much appreciated. I’m scared of doing another IVF, worried about spending so much money but at the same time I’m worried we are going to waste even more precious time. Hard decision to make.
IVF or not yet? - difficult decisions - Fertility Network UK
IVF or not yet? - difficult decisions

Hi karri55
I am sorry I don't have the answer for you. I never lose the faint hope that things will happen naturally. But it depends on a number of factors. Age, reason for infertility etc.
I wish you lots of luck and best wishes with your mission whatever you decide. Xxx

Thanks for replying Camillage. I’m 37, so running out of time but have a good egg reserve. I seem to be in a perfect health and our fertility struggle is related to male factor due to my husband’s illness - morphology 0-2%, borderline motility. So many of my friends are getting pregnant naturally at my age so I would like to believe that I still have a bit of time but it is an unknown, I guess we might give few more months and make a decision. Best wishes to you x
Sounds like a good plan. Good luck xx
I know exactly how you feel, going through that, had 1st failed Ivf December 16, had a really hard time about it not working so took over a year out, having a hol this year and guna talk about it then, but with the cost it’s jyzt so scary not k owing if it’s gaurented to Work. I think it’s best to talk about it and she where you both are with it xx
Hello. I am 40 soon and the problem is with my husbands sperm too. We don't qualify for IVF on the NHS so our only real hope, other than winning the lottery, is to improve his sperm and conceive naturally. Our Dr told him to take zinc. Is the medication you mentioned just for his illness or is is fertility related?
I have some some research on my own and it seems that folic acid is goos for mens reproductive help too.

Hi, I know this link is in german... but try to get a google web site translate. seems very great info.... I used the female bit for better follicle quality.

He was diagnosed with overactive thyroid and Graves’ disease and his endo told him that this would be the reason why we couldn’t conceive. We were unexplained before and no doctor thought to check him out although he had thyroid problem in the past. He eventually got really ill from it was in a very bad state. With the medication, he should be able to get his thyroid back on track and restore his fertility. He is taking zinc, selenium, vit C. Will get him on folic acid too, thanks!
Good luck