I was just wondering if people could tell me are all donor options such as donor eggs/embryos all anonymous abroad? Or do some clinics in Europe ( as I am UK so would probably be spain greece, prague) have non anonymous donors? IM not actually sure how I feel about anonymous versus non anonymous donor at the moment. But my main reason for going abroad would be as it's much cheaper and quicker matching but I just wondered if abroad meant that it had to be anonymous? Also, if anyone can recommend one of these clinics in these countries for treatments, that would be great by p m of course. Thanks
Is all donor options in Europe anonym... - Fertility Network UK
Is all donor options in Europe anonymous?

I know it’s anonymous in Prague. I think it’s the same in Spain and Greece. I am happy to discuss the clinic I am using in Prague if you want to DM me. X
Spain is also anonymous from everything I've read/seen. Just in the process of choosing a clinic ourselves. Best of luck x
I can only answer for Greece, where I looked it up. Until very recently the law only allowed anonymous donors. The new law on infertility treatment in 2022 allows open donations too, I am not sure if it is fully implemented yet. The few Greek clinics I looked up work exclusively with anonymous donors though and from a brief discussion with my cureent clinic I understand that most will continue to do so because it is easier to find anonymous donors.
I went to a clinic in Czech, but not Prague. All anonymous according to Czech law. Happy to send details if you’d like
as far as I am away Sweden, Denmark and Ukraine offer open egg donation.
Hi,Spain and Greece are anonymous and quite strict about it. You really don't get very much information. Portugal and Denmark are non anonymous.
I’m pretty sure Denmark offers non- anonymous donation. I looked into it but my clinic in the UK has a very short waiting list and by the time I’d paid for flights and hotels it wouldn’t have made much difference price wise anyway!
Spain is anonymous and by that I mean very anonymous! We have donor sperm from the European sperm bank from the same donor used to create our little boy (in UK nhs) and Spanish clinics won’t accept it as we have seen a picture of him as a child etc xx
Cyprus is anonymous too… I think it’s most of Europe. When I went to Cyprus (a really amazing clinic paired with a UK hospital) they said this was a reason it was so much cheaper; they pay their donors and they’re anonymous which means they are more likely to donate. If you want to ask anything, get in touch! Good luck!
My doctor at IAKENTRO in Greece told me that for the past year or so both anonymous and non-anonymous donors are legal here! Apparently the law just recently changed. I went to the Thessaloniki clinic and I truly felt so happy with my experience, both with the prices of course compared to London, and with how much attention I got. I did DE with my partner's sperm.