**sensitive ..chemical? : I hate myself... - Fertility Network UK

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**sensitive ..chemical?

Twiglet2 profile image
58 Replies

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I hate myself for even posting this as I know I have posted a few things lately and spamming your feed and I also know that no one will be able to tell me for sure and I will need to ‘wait it out’ but I feel like I need some opinions other than google 🙈 if you don’t mind?

OTD is tomorrow 10dp5dt from fresh transfer and I am still getting faint lines in a FRER that aren’t progressing it has moved on from the squinter that gave me a panic at 6dpt earlier in the week but stayed the same since

Just looking for any experience of whether it’s very likely a chemical with no progression in 3 days? By this point with my little boy the line was much much stronger and progressing daily. These look similar to a chemical I had but with that I had bleeding too

Pic attached all FMU but I did try in the evening too as last time it was darker then but all identical!

No symptoms of eptopic (no symptoms of anything at all really!!)

Thank you for any help terrified to get my hopes up xx 💜

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Twiglet2 profile image
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58 Replies

arghh lovely, I hate that you are in this limbo! And I wish I could tell you something definitively... but as you have already pointed out we can't.

My thoughts are the lines are getting darker, and as we old hands know its really 2-3 days that you see progression at this early stage - and in your case if you compare 7dpt to 9dpt (or 6 to 8 or 9) there is a definite difference there. They aren't mega strong lines, so I can see why you are thinking chemical. BUT equally with fresh transfers the lines tend to be a lot fainter earlier as for whatever reason implantation (in my experience) seems to happen later than FETs.

I think you are still in the game and I am hoping beyond hope the lines keep getting darker for you. FWIW my clinics OTD is 14dpt so yours is early.

Sending you heaps of luck and thinking positive vibes xx

Twiglet2 profile image
Twiglet2 in reply to

thanks so much lovely that’s really helped and also helped me feel I’m not crazy for worrying at the same time 💜our clinic is 14 or 15 too for test day in FETs and earlier for fresh which is why I presumed this should be stronger earlier 😢 xxx

Solly-44 profile image

Oh love, it’s such a head fuck. I’m just here to echo everything Daisy’s said really. They aren’t dark-dark lines so I get your concern, but I 💯 see progression. Especially between days 6-8 so here’s hoping you get similar progress between 8 and tomorrow.

My otd is also 14dp5dt so yours is petty early. Do you get your beta tomorrow? 🙏🙏🙏

Twiglet2 profile image
Twiglet2 in reply toSolly-44

thank I really hope so I just think it’s getting too late now to be this light 🙈 is my gut feeling…. Clinic don’t do betas so these tests are all I have to obsess on 🤪😂 xx

Solly-44 profile image
Solly-44 in reply toTwiglet2

The line comparison is just torture. I really hope they start getting darker for you, but like Skittles suggested, I’d be tempted to get a couple of betas done. So much luck! Xx

Luna_79 profile image

oh hun have just seen this, what torture this time is - I don’t have any experience with chemicals. I don’t want to raise hopes but if I were just looking at the lines I’d say they are progressively darker - my test day was at 13 days post 5 day transfer so I think even day 10 is still early - I know this is your test day but hang in there hun , willing these little ones to stick xxx

Twiglet2 profile image
Twiglet2 in reply toLuna_79

thanks so much lovely 🥰 I just need to wait it out but I just don’t ‘feel’ it’s gonna stick but maybe being too much of a negative Nancy lol xx

Nenad profile image

hello, argh I hate this period so much! Are you getting a beta hcg blood test done? This can help give you answers. My clinic offer it even if the line is faint. Keeping everything crossed for you xx

Twiglet2 profile image
Twiglet2 in reply toNenad

Thank you! no clinic doesn’t do betas (well they have done a couple of times before when I’ve had bleeding with a positive) but thankfully no bleeding this time so far xx

Nenad profile image
Nenad in reply toTwiglet2

I agree with others that the line is progressing, which is encouraging! I’d compare again in 2 days’ time and maybe push for a test for peace of mind xx

Skittles11 profile image

Hi Twiglet. I can definitely see some progression but also having experienced an early miscarriage I know the stress factor from wanting the lines to get darker more quickly and the stress it evokes when it doesn't seem to be getting darker as fast as we'd like. So many comparisons to make with others pics too which is not always helpful. If you did want to be more sure you could get a blood test kit from Medichecks and send it in to them and then do a second one two days after as I see your clinic does not do them xx good luck my lovely

Twiglet2 profile image
Twiglet2 in reply toSkittles11

thank you so much for your support 🤗💜 I will see what the next few days brings I’m conscious that the clinic labs shut down shortly too for 2weeks so not sure if they would even be able to do a blood test even if they agreed to. Might try medichecks to see if they are still open but it’s probs a chemical is where I have landed and if I’m honest there’s not much I can do about it anyways so might just ride it out and hope we get an answer one way or the other before Santa is here 🎄 xx

Tnthketnf profile image


I don't have any experience on the matter as I have never seen a positive myself but I can definitely see line progression in your photo as others pointed out. I appreciate the worry though. I hope it turns darker and darker! Xx

Twiglet2 profile image
Twiglet2 in reply toTnthketnf

thank you so much 🤗💜 only time will tell I guess…. I need to learn some patience 🤪 xxx

Lou9 profile image

Sorry you’re in limbo. I don’t have much to add apart from when I tested at 9dp5dt with my daughter, the line was so faint we thought it was negative. It continued to be light each time I tested. Holding out hope for you. ❤️

Twiglet2 profile image
Twiglet2 in reply toLou9

oh thank you for taking to share that glimmer of hope I really needed it 🤗💜 xx

ttcsolomummytobe profile image

Hi, I wish I could add something more to what others have said but really just wanted to saying I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you xxx

(You replied to one of my posts about 2ww and we're very kind, I've barely logged in here since but came back to check and excited to see pregnancy tests for you, I really do hope all is well ❤️)

Twiglet2 profile image
Twiglet2 in reply tottcsolomummytobe

what a lovely message thank you so much, I really appreciate that xx

Rainbowdreams82 profile image

hope you’re ok. I 100% see the lines getting darker from day 6 up to 8 then it stays the same. Try not to stress. I think it looks pretty positive to me. Will be thinking of you and keeping everything crossed xx

Twiglet2 profile image
Twiglet2 in reply toRainbowdreams82

ah thanks lovely it’s slightly lighter today so I think it’s a chemical and I’m a bit snowed in now so not much chance of a blood test today lol xx

Rainbowdreams82 profile image
Rainbowdreams82 in reply toTwiglet2

hope you’re doing ok. Just wanted to let you know I was thinking of you and got fingers crossed for your test day xx

Twiglet2 profile image
Twiglet2 in reply toRainbowdreams82

thanks lovely test day was actually on Friday, clinic said to call again on Monday to see if it’s still a positive though but they didn’t sound hopeful and neither am I! Yday line was the same as all the other days, this morning much lighter so I think it will be blank by tomorrow xx

LSandJ profile image

You have clear progression. Doesn't look like a chemical at all! As you know you can't really tell till later and best to test every other day, but we all know how hard that is! Looking good to me. Enjoy it x

Twiglet2 profile image
Twiglet2 in reply toLSandJ

thank you! It’s slightly lighter today and only 1-2weeks on clearblue indicator so I think my suspicions are confirmed but trying to have that little bit of hope so thank you xx

Socs8 profile image

my lines looked the same and it was just as nervous after a chemical last year too... but my beta numbers are incredible (1300 thrn 7805) so that's helping me relax. Get a hcg done somewhere (medichecks do 2 and by post) That's the best way to help you chill if your OTD is over Xmas. Hang in there... you've got positives, I'm learning to take it day by day and right now, based on that test, you're pregnant xx

Twiglet2 profile image
Twiglet2 in reply toSocs8

wow those are great numbers congratulations 💜I think you and others are right I am going to try medichecks just so I defo know what’s happening as I think it’s slightly lighter today ….normally I would wait it out but Santa is almost here and I don’t want to be left in limbo then. I’m a bit snowed in this morning so will work out the logistics somehow 😂 xx

Socs8 profile image
Socs8 in reply toTwiglet2

I know. Fingers crossed for you. I thought the 2ww was bad but now waiting for the scan is agonising! I'm lucky that my clinic clinic do beta tests, but not as standard. I have to ask for them! Hang in there xx

KiboXX profile image

Hey lovely,

Just wanted to echo the good advice already given. I definitely see line progression so got everything crossed for you.

I know it’s really hard but try not to compare it to your last pregnancy. I had a faint positive at 5dp on both of mine but different line progression and hugely different betas (first pregnancy was 956, second pregnancy was 86). Both were successful so it really does show that how different it can be pregnancy to pregnancy, even in the same person.

Sending you lots of positive vibes and baby dust xxx

Twiglet2 profile image
Twiglet2 in reply toKiboXX

thanks sweetie that is good to know! That is a big difference in numbers! it’s lighter this morning though so think my gut feeling was right ….think I’m going to need to find somewhere for bloods to confirm so I can know either way as I’m sick of waiting until it’s time to pee every morning and still not knowing for sure anyways 🙈😂 xxx

Nenad profile image
Nenad in reply toTwiglet2

just wanted to give you a big hug, I know how you feel 🤗xx

in reply toTwiglet2

I went to my GP for blood check. My clinic also doesn’t do blood tests. I explained about faint lines and so they checked my blood and then did a follow up check to see if levels were rising. Maybe try asking at your GP?

Twiglet2 profile image
Twiglet2 in reply to

thanks my GPS is all locums just now and understaffed so worse than useless tbh but I could try and see if I can even get a hold of them never mind get a blood test…. currently snowed in though as well which doesn’t help 😂 xx

KiboXX profile image
KiboXX in reply toTwiglet2

You could try medichecks online if your gp won’t do a blood test, I know some of the other ladies on here used them too.

I completely understand why you feel the way you feel about this one but I will say that with my second, my clear blue digital test actually went backwards from 2-3 to 1-2 after a few days so I was convinced it was over. Line progression isn’t definitive so I hope you can get a beta done xxx

Twiglet2 profile image
Twiglet2 in reply toKiboXX

thank you 🤗 looked into medichecks and by the time it’s posted out and then posted back etc I think I would have my answer via the tests anyways so just gonna test on Monday again and see if the line has completely faded or not xx

that definitely looks like progression to me! I was squinting at my lines too in the run up to OTD and these look a lot like mine. I got a BFP on my HCG test and am still hanging in midway through 5w. So fingers crossed for you 🤞🤞🤞

Twiglet2 profile image

thank you 🤗 that’s good to hear and lots of congratulations to you!!! Xxx

Banana77 profile image

Really thinking about you 💛 everything crossed for you x

Twiglet2 profile image
Twiglet2 in reply toBanana77

thank you xx

-noodles- profile image

Just wanted to check in & see how you’re doing 💕

Twiglet2 profile image
Twiglet2 in reply to-noodles-

morning! Thanks so much for checking in 🤗 line was much lighter this morning so think that’s it about over… just scared now of when the bleeding and cramping will start as it was really sore the last time I had a chemical 😭 and I don’t want to ruin Christmas for anyone especially my wee one xx

-noodles- profile image
-noodles- in reply toTwiglet2

Oh darlin, don’t worry about ruining Christmas - you’re allowed to be how you need to be.

I wish I could reassure you, but I am not experienced in chemicals.

Thinking of you, keeping everything crossed and sending love & light your way ✨💕✨

Twiglet2 profile image
Twiglet2 in reply to-noodles-

thank you 🤗💜 xxx

in reply toTwiglet2

oh Twiglet this is the update I was so hoping not to read, I’m so sorry lovely xxx

Twiglet2 profile image
Twiglet2 in reply to

thank lovely 🥰 at least we know now xx

Twiglet2 profile image

update- my gut feeling was right, clear blue digital now saying not pregnant and line has faded so at least we now have an answer, although not the one we were hoping for 😢

On a postive I know implantation happened again as this was embryo 6 and 7 after our little boy and I was beginning to worry about that side of things but it just wasn’t to be!

Will go and enjoy Christmas now as we have sooooo much to be thankful for and then have a think about whether or not we cycle again 🤔

Thank you millions for your support it was really helpful and really needed 🤗💜 xx

Nenad profile image
Nenad in reply toTwiglet2

really sorry to hear this Twiglet :( I have just had a chemical pregnancy myself and saw the sac the other day. For some reason it was a lot more painful this time but as you say at least implantation happened so hope is not lost. And scientifically speaking you’re actually super fertile after a chemical pregnancy so there’s a positive way to look at all of this. Sending lots of hugs your way xxx

Twiglet2 profile image
Twiglet2 in reply toNenad

I’m so sorry you have had to go through that too 🤗 you are so right about the positives though although it’s harder to take than a straight negative there are definitely positives to take away if we go again 🫶🏻 xx

Nenad profile image
Nenad in reply toTwiglet2

thanks so much 🤗

Completely agree, hope is what keeps me going, hope it helps you too xxx

Solly-44 profile image
Solly-44 in reply toTwiglet2

I’m so sorry, the whole thing’s incredibly hard and I really hoped this would be it for you. Sending the biggest hug xx

Lou9 profile image
Lou9 in reply toTwiglet2

Gutted for you. Sending a hug. 💞

-noodles- profile image

I am so sorry. Sending big hugs.

You have a wonderful, positive attitude - here’s to 2023 🙏🏻❤️

I’m so sorry to read this Twiglet 💕

Take care of yourselves over the next few weeks xx

SONO92 profile image

so so sorry Twiglet. Thinking of you and sending big hugs xxxxx

TeddyBear5 profile image

gutted for you. I had the same a week ago. it’s so crap. Love to you xxx

Twiglet2 profile image
Twiglet2 in reply toTeddyBear5

I’m so sorry 😢 it’s crap but we plough on don’t we… nothing else for it! Hope you are healing my lovely ❤️‍🩹 xx

Chel91 profile image

So sorry to see your update lovely 😥💗 Chemicals are so incredibly unfair. Sending you lots of love xx

Banana77 profile image

So sorry to hear this - thinking of you ❤️

AuroraXen profile image

So sorry Twiglet, I just saw this update 😢 Hope you're all bearing up OK, it's a shitty business sometimes 💔xx

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