Hi everyone . I am 33 and been TTC for about 6 years. We have had 3 IVFs so far at 3 different clinics and have been unsuccessful with implantation. For the last cycle we had 3 embryos left which were frozen and I am scheduled to begin the FET transfer process tomorrow with the goserelin injection. I am very worried about the chance of success of the FET given the implantation failed with the same batch during the fresh transfer. Does anyone have any success story of FET success from same batch that had failed fresh transfer? Also, is there anything you recommend I should do differently or ask during my appointment tomorrow. Thank you 🙏🏾
Is there anything I should do differe... - Fertility Network UK
Is there anything I should do differently this time? Scheduled for FET after 3 failed fresh transfers

I don’t think there is anything I did particularly differently with my fets but the process is much easier than fresh and so much less stressful. My clinic and kind people on this forum repeated told me that anything good enough to freeze has a chance so the fact that yours is frozen is great sign too.
I completely get the anxiety though. I had two fairly good graded embryos fail and 2 average ones. it feels like well if they failed, then the poorer ones are more likely to as well but that’s not the case for lots of people.
Oh I did take additional vitamin e because it’s suppose to help with lining for fet but I actually don’t know if it did anything except make me think I was doing something.
My clinic did try to give me steroids because of a history of fails and miscarriage but I chose not to take it and aspirin so you could ask if they recommend anything like that in your app? And if you do well for embryos, you could ask about testing for euploidy? But that’s a whole other topic!
Best of luck for today!
Hi! I'm also 33 and had 3 failed transfers. Originally was diagnosed with unexplained infertility and did a bunch of different things like IUIs, hormonal treatments etc. I had 2 fresh and I frozen transfers and even though they were all great quality - implantation failed. During the egg retrieval apparently they found some endometriosis in the fluids, so now I've decided to do the laparoscopy and biopsy, to find out if there's any other piece of the puzzle we're missing that could be a contributing factor to failed implantation.

Hi Abimbolao. Perhaps some heparin to ensure good blood flow to the womb and lining. Also helps to prevent clot formation. Good luck with any changes. Diane