Suspected Hydrosalphinx found before ... - Fertility Network UK

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Suspected Hydrosalphinx found before egg collection

Haha726363 profile image
13 Replies

Hi all,

I wondered if anyone has ever been in this position. We are having ICSI due to poor semen & had all the tests (hycosy, all the scans you name it). Yesterday I had my last scan before egg collection and the nurse thinks I may have Hydrosalphinx.

There was no mention of this on my scan Wed, I have no symptoms and I’m just devastated. Can IVF drugs cause this to happen or is this often misdiagnosed with something else?

To come this far with this little warning seems very strange. Any help would be greatly appreciated. All I’ve been told is I will have a conversation with the Dr on Monday who will look at the scans and discuss the next steps.

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Haha726363 profile image
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13 Replies
Habibi87 profile image

Hi Haha726363, I am so sorry that you are having to go through this additional stress. I’d imagine the Hycosy would have picked up a hydrosalphynx unless the test was done a long time ago and things really had time to change ? X

Haha726363 profile image
Haha726363 in reply to Habibi87

Thanks so much for your response. I had the Hycosy in June, but as you can imagine surely all the scans I’ve had during stims/beginning of ivf would have clocked this. To have it found now seems baffling!

RebeccaTheo profile image


I had a similar experience in that after my 7th egg collection at a new clinic the doctor came up to me and said ‘we’ve found a hydrosalpinx’. I also had no symptoms and was very disappointed to hear this as I’d been through the nhs (had a hycosy) and another private clinic and they all failed to spot it. Hydrosalpinx apparently can be intermittent in that they fill and empty throughout the cycle so can be hard to identify. I also went to an expert for a second opinion scan and they couldn’t see anything.

On reflection I’m glad that it was found because it could have been a key factor in our not getting pregnant (as I’m sure you know the fluid can be toxic to implanting embryos).

I decided to have another egg collection and then get it dealt with (there’s some evidence to say that removing a tube can inhibit that ovary’s egg production).

I went to Ertan Saridogan to have it removed, he was excellent. He told me that often when he goes in to remove 1 tube there is hydrosalpinx on both so I had to give my approval to remove two if needed (he removed both). I had a month to recover after the op and then implanted 3 (untested) embryos and I’m delighted to say that two have made it.

I hope this helps show that this diagnosis can have good outcomes. Wishing you the very best of luck on your journey!


Haha726363 profile image
Haha726363 in reply to RebeccaTheo

Thank you Rebecca, if you feel comfortable to answer, why were you originally going in for IVF?

What type of test finally confirmed you had Hydrosalphinx? My husbands sperm tests were clearly proven to be the main factor to our infertility, so I’m a bit worried now I will also have issues that have only just arisen at the very last stage

RebeccaTheo profile image
RebeccaTheo in reply to Haha726363

Of course, the original thoughts were that our infertility was caused by my husbands low sperm count (incl morphology issues) and varicocele and/or my egg quality (I’m now 41, had been TTC for 2 years pre treatment beginning with nhs when I was 39). We will never know the cause however we did create 2 normal embryos (and possibly 2 more which have implanted but are untested) when we switched clinics which might suggest my eggs were okay and that it was a protocol & hydrosalpinx issue. My husband’s sperm had greatly improved by that point too with an op to remove his varicocele & lots of supplements and lifestyle changes.

The hydrosalpinx was confirmed when Mr Saridogan went in to operate, he found lots of adhesions which he cleared up too. He thought the hydrosalpinges were probably down to a previous undiagnosed infection that didn’t have any obvious symptoms.

Hope this helps! Shout if you have any more questions.

RT x

Gemcow profile image


I had a similar thing happen to me too. They found a hydrosalpinx on my first egg collection scan that had never been seen before but like Rebecca said the fluid can come and go. I was devastated when they told me I had to have a freeze all because of the fluid. This was an nhs cycle so they clipped that tube the following month. I then had to wait a few months to transfer but it was successful and resulted in my daughter. We were originally doing IVF due to male factor but I did also have a natural ectopic pregnancy the month before we were meant to start stims 🙄( treated with methotrexate) which could have impacted why there was a hydrosalpinx.

Lolalules profile image

i had a hydrosalpinx that was picked up on hycosy but didn’t show on my 3D scan. The hydrosalpinx was the cause of two miscarriages, so i was glad to remove it. The one upshot of doing it is that they can take a look to see if there’s anything else (adhesions, fibroids) so you know you’re all clear for any future treatment

Lou9 profile image

Sorry this has happened to you, it’s just rubbish especially when you are all set for egg collection. Just want to share my experience in case it helps… I had my tube removed in 2017 after an ectopic, a successful ICSI round following that, then had a natural pregnancy in 2020 and miscarried at 8 weeks due to what they thought was a hydrosalpinx - I had fluid in my womb and my tube was distended. I had 3 scans to confirm and then a laparoscopy where they removed the tube. Strangely though, my histology report came back saying my tube was normal but a large cyst had been found in it, so that was the causing fluid to leak. Although it’s a lot to take in knowing both tubes are gone, I’m currently having a FET and it gives me peace of mind knowing the tubes won’t sabotage a pregnancy. In saying that, my daughter is 4 and there was no mention of a distended tube during my pregnancy with her. What a lot for you to think about, sending a hug. Just know that whatever you decide to do is the right thing for you. 💞

Haha726363 profile image

Thank you so much to all of you. Are they able to during egg collection take a closer look at my tubes, or is it very much the same as what they can see during the transvaginal scans?

I guess I’m struggling to come to terms with how this wasn’t caught on any of my scans, I had one on Wednesday and no sight of it.

Were any of you told the medication for IVF is the cause of this or perhaps is it always there underlying and the medication brings it to light? What tests confirmed for you all it was a Hydrosalphinx, as all I’ve had is one scan with a nurse.

I’m concerned having to go back to my GP via the nhs for a laproscopy as the waiting list I can imagine won’t be short. As I’m sure you all feel the same waiting years to this point and nearly at the final hurdle we receive this news is hard to take in.

I can’t thank all of you enough for your responses xx

ChelWestie profile image

hi there,

A hyrdrosalpinx was picked up on ultrasound as I was about to do my FET-had been on the meds so we had to abandon this cycle.

They arranged laparoscopy and I expected to have at least one fallopian tube removed, I woke up to be told none removed and they diagnosed me with endometriosis..!

We were doing IVF as initially due to sperm quality, this improved immensely but no FET was successful. We eventually had a miscarriage in Jan last year, the furthest we had got, then went straight into next round for next FET when this was picked up - did lap in May and went straight into long protocol with adjusted meds for Endo from June-Aug when I had the FET and am happy to confirm I am 16weeks pregnant now. Still nervous about even saying it let alone get too excited.

I was told these can appear and disappear-and IVF can trigger them.

I hope my story gives you some reassurance.

I was devastated to abandon the cycle but now in hindsight it gave us the best chance for success by being able to diagnose and then put the right protocol in place to maximise success.

Haha726363 profile image

Hey ChelWestie,

Do you present with the endo symptoms? I have never had any symptoms to suggest blocked tubes & have regular periods with no pain to highlight. Congrats on your lovely news, it’s so nice to hear that despite everyone’s struggles the outcome seems to be positive.

I called BCRM today as I wanted some answers, the nurse didn’t have my scan in front of her but said fluid can come and go & may not be present tomorrow. I would be able to request a scan before I go under for my egg transfer to hopefully have a proper diagnosis from a dr if it is Hydrosalphinx. So difficult being told on Friday and being left over the weekend with this hanging & then egg collection tomorrow. X

ChelWestie profile image

hi there, when I was diagnosed it made a lot of sense as I’ve had heavy and brutal periods all my life and accepted that as “just having heavy periods” , I’d been to gyno/doc over the years and put on ponstan to reduce flow. I’ve moved countries a few times so haven’t been with one doc consistently which probably didn’t help. However it had never come up throughout my fertility journey - I’d cleared all tests and it was never raised so this came as a surprise. I’m 42 now so it’s been a bit of a journey.

Hearing you’re doing egg collection is positive-in all this it’s just good to keep moving forward, having these in the bank is great “insurance” for your peace of know you have them and have something happening in the future in the case they decide to do further investigation which might delay transfer, it’s best to be thorough so you’re set up for success and know you have the best environment for the transfer.

Keep chasing the team and email to put in writing if you can so they will keep on top of it.

Good luck with it all. I hope you get the feedback you need that gives you peace of mind and confidence in your plan. 💪🏻

Haha726363 profile image

Thanks to everyone on this post, I had egg collection this morn, 13 collected and 8 mature potentially 9. They did however see liquid which looked very much like a Hydrosalpinx so my eggs will be frozen.

I will have to go back in after my “proper” bleed for a scan. The dr was lovely in saying all my tests were clear before hand and the scan last Wednesday didn’t show this so it’s likely the stress on my downstairs department on the medication may have caused it. 🤞 the wait until January will feel like slow motion but here’s to hoping my eggs turn into lovely blastocysts.


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