Hi lovely people
Hope you’re okay and having a good start to the week. So this had been my first cycle of trying lower dose stims, I’m relieved to report that it looks like we will hopefully get six eggs (fingers crossed!🤞🏻) and I have three follicles over 20mm with my largest being 23.
I approached this cycle thinking it would probably get cancelled as I wouldn’t respond but each time I have gone for my scans things have looked pretty good, I’m a poor responder so six is good for me!
Can bigger follicles potentially be a sign of higher egg quality? This was our aim this cycle to get a few high quality eggs. We have never had a blasto so hoping and praying this cycle we might achieve that. 🤞🏻🍀🤞🏻
So worried I’m starting to get my hopes up now and I’m setting myself up for a massive fall. 🤦♀️🤪