this is my third cycle and I usually inject for 12 days but this time I’ve just had my second scan and my follicles haven’t progressed quickly enough despite being told at the first scan it was looking like a good cycle. I now have to continue meds for another 3 days and scan on Monday. Should I worry or is this something that can happen?
longer stims than normal : this is my... - Fertility Network UK
longer stims than normal

this can defo happen 🤗 what size were your follicles? If they are responding that’s a good sign sometimes they just need an extra couple of days to be at the right size and no two cycles are ever the same I was told. Good luck for Monday xxx
hi Lucy. I wouldn’t worry. In my last cycle I had to stim for another 2 days over the weekend so 15days instead of the normal 12 and I’m currently pregnant 5+3w. All best with your cycle. Lots of baby dust xx
congratulations! That’s good to hear!
Hi, try not to worry about this, I’ve had to go longer with all 4 cycles. This last one I got extended twice on my meds and ended up with more eggs and more fertilised this time round too. I’m 42 so worried I’d produce less and lower quality but the additional few days really helped me. Hang in there xx
just a little update- 16 eggs collected today, my highest number yet. Fingers crossed for good quality!