Hello everyone just putting out a message to ask if anyone has had frozen embryo donation in the UK. I'm 45 and was meant to start fertility in Spain but due to a bad infection and the clinic not working with me I decided not to go through my journey with this clinic, so I am now looking for clinics in the UK before considering to go down the abroad route again. I've spoke to reprofit today but as I'm single Czech republic won't treat me which I understand. Also I am extremely anguish with anything relating to my fertility due to me having a stillbirth at 24 weeks 12 years ago and I now have a blocked right tube with scarring. I have no other children as my son Logan was my first child and I have been unsuccessful in the three IUI treatments I have had previously. On a more positive note I did have a hysteroscopy last week and my uterus is perfect to carry another baby so I am ecstatic with this news thank you for reading and any advice will be greatly appreciated.
frozen embryo donation : Hello... - Fertility Network UK
frozen embryo donation

hello hun, I looked in to this a while ago (I'm also single and in my 40s), I could be wrong but I think it may be tricky to find donated embryos as a single woman in the UK due to a possible legal issue around legal parentage (I think something about if the woman carrying is single there's a risk of the man who's sperm made the embryo potentially being legally responsible for the child). I might have got confused though, and am not a lawyer or anything.
Whichever route you take wishing you so much luck on your journey going forward, I'm so sorry to hear of the tragic loss of your baby.
I am so sorry you suffered such a terrible loss. ❤️ I don't know anything about donated embryos but if that fails, why don't you try donated eggs, which must be easier, and choose your own sperm donor? Best of luck
I did have a donated embryo but it was with a clinic in Spain. Let me know if you want me to pm you details. I think if you were looking here it would be DE and DS. Xx
Hi I looked into this a few months ago with a clinic in London. They said there was no issues with mother being single in the UK as all treated equally. In fact they also prioritised older women. I can DM you the clinic name.

Hi Bamdon. Only just read this post, but it looks like you have some positive replies to follow up. You deserve your family now, whether single or not. Hope all goes well with whatever you decide. Diane
I am considering donor embryos as well and someone else somewhere has told me it's quite difficult to get them. I don't really understand why it's so difficult over here and not abroad. I haven't looked into it too much yet but when people decide they no longer want to use their embryos and they have them in storage they can donate them so surely they would be available to us via this option. Maybe some clinics don't do donor embryos.
sorry not much help but let me know if you find out anything about donor embryos in the UK feel free to PM me