Hello All.
I have been doing a frozen cycle of IVf, and am due to go to clinic tomorrow for embryo transfer. Am desperately hoping that my embryos thaw okay, but that it a bit of an unknown quantity, as I've never done FET before.
It's a weird, emotional feeling, to think about my potential embryos (seven blastocysts in the freezer). The clinic called them a 'cohort', which sounds like I'm running a school!
Am a bit unsure whether we should be aiming to have 2 embryos transferred or one. At aged 39, the advice is rather conflicting. Having done three 'fresh' cycles of IVF before (and miscarried after the first cycle), it's also hard to allow myself too much hope.
Not sure if anyone else is going through (has gone through) this on this site?
Am also aware that Mothers Day is not necessarily easy for anyone coping with infertility issues (whatever stage you're at). As sending lots of thoughts in solidarity with people struggling with this. It's hard.