How much was your Frozen Egg Transfer? - Fertility Network UK

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How much was your Frozen Egg Transfer?

MomaJoni profile image
23 Replies

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Hi Everyone,

After giving birth early in November to my sleeping beautiful baby boy Leo, I am now trying to work out where I stand in the world of fertility.

Leo was conceived with NHS funded IVF and he made it to 22weeks and 1 day before I went into early labour.

I am now unsure whether I am entitled to any further funding for fertility treatment and want to prepare incase I am not. I have 3 healthy eggs to use and would be interested to start the process in around May time.

Can people tell me how much they have paid for their frozen egg transfer including medication etc so I can plan for what funds I need?

Thank you so much


I have found a price list for my fertility clinic but I have absolutely no idea which one it is. The clinic already have 3 of my fertilised blastocysts on freeze.

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MomaJoni profile image
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23 Replies
McQueeny profile image

I’m so so sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine… As for FET, I know it can vary quite a lot but in our case it was £2000 to the clinic + £200 for medication x

MomaJoni profile image
MomaJoni in reply to McQueeny

Thank you so much. I really hope mine is similar to this.

zytajones profile image
zytajones in reply to MomaJoni

Hello,at my clinic was similar, just over £2000 plus drugs £300 if you decided to go for a medicated cycle.

Cinderella5 profile image

Hi lovely, I hope you are some way healing after losing baby Leo. I'm just throwing it our there that you may still be entitled to funding as with my NHS clinic, funding continued for FETs if you hadnt had a live birth (I'm so sorry if that term is insensitive, it's not intended to be) so could be worth contacting them to ask. Lots of

Milllee profile image
Milllee in reply to Cinderella5

OP i am so sorry for your loss of Leo. Sending ❤I'm of the same thoughts as the PP. I believe our clinic's NHS funding continues.. i think the round of ivf only actually ends if the transfer doesn't result in a pregnancy and there are no frozen embryos to continue with, or you fall pregnant and birth a child which reaches 6 months of age. As i remember being surprised as how much the funding would actually cover x

MomaJoni profile image
MomaJoni in reply to Milllee

Oh I truly hope mine is the same. I so desperately want my little baby and to give Leo a little brother or sister.

MomaJoni profile image
MomaJoni in reply to Cinderella5

This is really handy. Thank you. I have emailed the clinic to find out if this is something they do. I really hope so. My friend has 'apparently' been quoted £7k for her Frozen transfer and that is so out of my reach that it has just left me in a panic.

I need to lose my baby weight before anything which I am working on at the moment. And I wont be looking into any treatment until I have the results of Leo's post mortem and his genetic testing back but if I am having to save money for the treatment, Im just desperate to know how much it is.

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to MomaJoni

I cant imagine that is right for an FET....I've never even heard of the most expensive clinics charging anything near 7k. Clinics are usually around £1k to £2k although I obviously dont know but even from your price list it looks as if the cost for you would be the £1060 with maybe drugs on top which shouldn't be that much depending on the protocol. However hopefully your FET is funded. Wishing you all the best moving forward and I really hope it all works out!xxx

MomaJoni profile image
MomaJoni in reply to Cinderella5

Thank you so much lovely. When I kissed Leo goodnight for the final time, I whispered to him to send me some hope and to choose himself a brother or sister. I have faith in my baby boy so I think I'm not completely out of the woods just yet, although its very easy to think we are sometimes. I have an appointment with my GP on thursday as my body isn't recovering from the birth very well so hopefully thats not another set back.

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to MomaJoni

I'm sure Leo will be doing his best to pull a few strings for you!🥰 Hope you get on ok at the GP and hear back from your clinic soon.xx

Seren0119 profile image

I am so sorry for your loss and greatly admire your strength to keep going. My FET was about £2,500 including medication. I would check with NHS as you might be entitled to another cycle. Thinking of you x

butterfliez profile image

Hi there I’m so sorry for the loss of your baby boy Leo so heartbreaking. I am in the same situation as yourself after losing my baby girl at 34 wks In sept after ivf , I have 1 embryo remaining I contacted my fertility clinic (which is nhs & this was our final round )explaining all what happened as I had to send in a birth report form too & they did not have a box for still birth . They contacted me saying that because we have an embryo left we are entitled to have this transferred on the nhs if we didn’t have any remaining we wouldn’t be able too have another cycle . So I would assume it could be the same for you , I am in wales I know every where is different with there protocol s but it may be worth contacting your clinic & discussing what has happened.

I am awaiting a follow up appointment for our next steps. I found the nurse I spoke to was really helpful & compassionate which helped as I now suffer anxiety even just chatting on the phone. I am also awaiting our debrief meeting to discuss results of what happened which I was hoping got before the transfer

I do hope your clinic says the same xx

MomaJoni profile image
MomaJoni in reply to butterfliez

I'm so sorry for your loss too :( No one can really imagine the pain we are suffering unless you've experienced it yourself and its honestly unbearable. Im so happy that you have another try with your final embryo and I have everything crossed that it works and you get your little rainbow baby. xxx

butterfliez profile image
butterfliez in reply to MomaJoni

Your exactly right it’s so difficult to explain this awful grief & life without our babies , every morning it hits me all over again. It is a living nightmare. I really hope your clinic gets back to you & you get to have your embryo transfer too. Il keep wishing you best of luck In your next steps & a future with a rainbow baby. Always here if you want to chat you can always message me privately.

Take care lovely xx

Ganges profile image

I’m so so sorry for your loss. I’m pretty sure all the frozen transfers will be counted as cycle one for you. I had nhs funding (none made it to frozen) and my cousin also had her FET as part of an nhs cycle. Wishing all the luck in the future x

Mrsshaker1 profile image

Hello MomaJoni,

We are about to undergo our last FET, which we have self funded. Our embryo is part of cycle one. Our clinic have taken £1400 including meds for us to self fund. But It’s my understanding in your circumstances, our clinic would continue NHS treatment.

Take care.


Capps8 profile image

Hello lovely, I’m so sorry for your loss what a horrific time to go through. I’m at St Barts they charge £1225 for FET ‘self funded’ which means we have all the scans/blood tests on the NHS. so the first transfer is slow waiting to get all the tests done. But after one they are quick - can transfer every month as soon as you have a period without more tests. Progesterone was approx £80 for the first 3 packs after that I got the GP to prescribe it and always ordered enough to use on my next cycle too. Good luck xxx

Rhwy1456 profile image

I’m so so sorry for your loss. I have had two FETs- one medicated protocol and one natural protocol. My clinic charges £1300 but with the medicated protocol the drugs were about another £500 on top. For the natural protocol I paid nothing for medication (so just the £1300). Sending you lots of good wishes for the future x

MomaJoni profile image
MomaJoni in reply to Rhwy1456

I have read online today that a FET can only be funded if it is within 1 year of the eggs being frozen. Do you know if this is true?

Rhwy1456 profile image
Rhwy1456 in reply to MomaJoni

I’m sorry, I have no idea x

Twiglet2 profile image

So sorry for your loss and I really hope you don’t have to pay at all! 🥲 our FET was £1400 with meds £1100 without (fully natural FET) this is an NHS/private clinic in Scotland xx

Kitca profile image

Just paid for ours yesterday and was 1695 (medicated fet) hope that helps and all the luck and so sorry for your loss x

MoonbeamMcSwine profile image

We did a medicated FET in December (was unsuccessful but taking it all on the chin 😀) and it was £2530 including HFEA fee, then another £875 for medication. If we decide on another fresh cycle will likely change clinics or sign up to a package because that FET was almost as expensive as a full ICSI cycle with meds at another clinic we're considering 💰

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