i had scan yeaterday it was 7.5..my nurse said to me we are giving you three more days to grow more.and she increased the dose of estradiol from 4mg to 6 mg in a day .on my first scan it was 3.6 then they started the estradiol 4mg i took for 10 days and its reached to 7.5 .now worried about will it b increase in three days???please help me out.tell me ahat should i do?
Help!!i am soo worried ☹how can i in... - Fertility Network UK
Help!!i am soo worried ☹how can i increase my endometrial linning in 2 days?

A lining of 7.5 is absolutely fine as far as I know so I really think you can take this off your list of worries. With 3 more days this is likely to increase too
hi Op. I was in the same position as you on Monday. Mine was 7.5 and they brought me back for a scan on Wednesday. In the two days I upped my water intake to 3L, I had fresh pomegranate juice (blended the fruit and mixed with water, hot water bottle for a while a night and then took 2 of the oestrogen tablets vaginally not orally. On Wednesday my lining was 10mm. Transferring 2x 3bb embryos on Monday now.
7.5 is a great lining and I 3 days is enough time to get things moving. I had a baby on a 6.5 lining.
Things that I found helpful is raspberry leaf tea (2cups every day) and hot water bottle.
Good luck 🤞🏻 xxxx
Just to reassure you along with the other posts that's a good lining thickness and you'll be totally fine with that plus a few more days so really okay to not worry about it. I know we do though and when nurses say that it panics us as so much riding on this.
The extra Oestrogen will do the job and whole I find pomegranate juice was good for me you shouldn't need to do anything else.
Good luck for your transfer

Hi Rosesssss. I think you will manage that on your own. 7.5mm is not bad and will most likely get to 8 or more in a couple of days. Good luck! Diane
thanks girls for your lovely messages ❤i know i am bit late sorry for that. This cycle made me crazy first i was worried for linning Thank God it was fine 8.2 on the day of scan i was not well had temperature cramping in my legs and little bit breathless.i discussed with the nurse she called the consultant long story short he said to avoid the blood clotting i give elaxane injection for blood thining for 21 days. So on tuesday morning when i woke up with very bad coughing got v bad chest infection still i am struggling to get well trying different home remedies but still not well Now i am worried about my health i want to get well before tranfer my tranfer is on monday. I started the pessaries from tonight. Please help me out with your great advices ..Many