Low AMH and 45. Any hope for egg free... - Fertility Network UK

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Low AMH and 45. Any hope for egg freezing ?

Trying2FeelPositive profile image

Hi! I am 45 with a low AMH and desperate to freeze eggs. I know that embryo freezing is always a better option but my partner is not cooperating, he already has two kids from previous relationship and we have one baby of our own. So my only option is to freeze eggs but don’t want to spend thousands of dollars just for a failed egg freezing cycle (I will have to pay out of pocket for it where I am). So I would love to know of any success stories, and horror stories. And advice. also if any suggestion on what kind of supplements and regimen helped etc etc

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8 Replies
Tarasunny profile image

I really hate to be negative but i think you will find it difficult to find somewhere that will offer you egg freezing at 45. I know some clinics have age limits for treatment with your own eggs which are usually between 42 and 45. Unfortunately as you get older the quantity snd quality of your eggs gets poorer. Im 38 and having these issues already 😢. It absolutely sucks that we have such a time limit on our bodies. The only things i could suggest would be trying a round with donor sperm if your partner is against treatment and seeing if you get any embryos i think egg freezing is unlikely to yield enough eggs to be worth it. Or trying a clinic abroad where the rules are not quite as strict, or donor eggs. I wish you luck with whatever you decide x

Skittles11 profile image
Skittles11 in reply to Tarasunny

I would be inclined to agree with Tara I'm afraid. I believe many clinics will maybe not agree to egg freezing at 45 however it is always worth an ask x

When we met I made it clear to him that I want kids. He was okay with it since he was “in love with me”, then I had a baby in January this year through IVF. (Using my eggs that I froze before I met him, the clinic I used wasted all my eggs since they were unprofessional, so I don’t have any more left). So as far as he is concerned he gave me what I wanted and he doesn’t want any more kids. But I do, and am hoping that he will change his mind. I need to freeze my eggs since him making up his mind could take forever but by then I won’t have any more eggs left! That’s my hope.

Mary2022 profile image
Mary2022 in reply to Trying2FeelPositive

I also agree with Tara. I watched one story on Youtube, there is a women at age 45, very low AMH gave birth successfully in the USA. She did 14cycles of ICSI and lucky enough to find 1 PGT-A normal embryo to transfer, yes it is 14 cycles not 1 cycle, because she has a low AMH and each cycle only be able to produce 1 or 0 egg. Also it will be quite challenging to find a good doctor to work with. She did it in the USA.

I wish you luck with whatever you decide.

Mary2022 profile image
Mary2022 in reply to Trying2FeelPositive

Thinking of you. I attached the YouTube link, youtu.be/y9NW8vcPXwo , this is the video I watched which I mentioned before (the USA women successful story). She started the journey when she was 43 and gave birth at 45. She did have a good doctor to work with, at least her doctor is very supportive..Sadly, I find it is very difficult to find a good doctor in the UK. I wasn't able to meet with a doctor until I failed the first cycle. For the first meeting, my clinic just offer me a nurse manager meeting and scanning, considering my clinic is one of the largest nationwide clinics. Anyway I will quit this clinic after completing the second cycle.

When we get older, more eggs and embryos are chromosome abnormal. Therefore the best way is not freezing the eggs, you can consider trying some cycles with donor sperms (if your husband really doesn't want to involve) like Tara said. On the bright side, you did have your baby through previous ivf treatment, you should be grateful.

NemoFish profile image

My clinic wouldn’t let me freeze eggs past the age of 35, they just can’t justify the cost of collection when the likelihood of any usuable eggs is so low. If it’s what you want to do, you will likely have more luck using donor sperm and freezing embryos. Good luck with whatever you chose x

ki50 profile image

Hi there,

I only looked into this at around 38/39 and my afc was only around 4 or 5 on each at the time so I was told they wouldn't do it because the drop off rate is higher with frozen eggs than embryos so i'd have had to do a lot of cycles with a low chance of success. I remember the consultant saying to me to find a man (any man she said!) and go for ivf straight (because its that simple when youre single in your late 30's apparently!

Hope you can convince your partner to try and get some embies frozen! x

There are very few clinics in the UK who will do embryo transfer over the age of 45 (unless donor) and none that I am aware of that will do egg freezing. I think there are 2 clinics in London that will do IVF cycles up to 47, so I think realistically you won't be able to pursue this egg freeze route sadly x

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