Hello ladies ❤️
Any support / knowledge / experience with the above? I wrote down my experience in my bio.
Two chemicals and one negative.
I am trying to find myself again after the last early loss. Trying meditation and counselling.
Thank you
Hello ladies ❤️
Any support / knowledge / experience with the above? I wrote down my experience in my bio.
Two chemicals and one negative.
I am trying to find myself again after the last early loss. Trying meditation and counselling.
Thank you
Hi Blueberry. Perhaps you could speak to your specialist about the use of nlood thinners such as heparin/low dose soluble aspirin if not already tried. This elps to ensure a good blood flow to the womb and lining. Also can help to prevent clot formation. Worth asking. Good luck! Diane
Hi Blueberry211 I hope you're doing OK after what must have been a very stressful couple of weeks.
I've only had one failed transfer (chemical pregnancy) so I don't have a lot of experience when it comes to recurrent implantation failure. However, it seems to me that you don't have any issues making good quality euploid embryos, and therefore I think it's worth exporing both the uterine environment and immune issues further.
In terms of the uterine environment, you'd want to do a saline sonohysterogram or hysterocopy (if you haven't already) to rule out any scarring, adhesions, polyps, fibroids and adenomyosis. I think a saline sonohysterogram can also rule out hydrosalpinx. I'd assume you've already done one of these tests though.
In terms of immune issues, I know you've posted on here previously about having an HLA gene match with your partner. I'd want to look more into treatments to address that with future transfers. That may mean a much more intensive immune FET protocol for your next transfer. Things to look into further could be Lymphocyte Immunization Therapy (LIT) and intralipids. In extremely difficult cases there's also IVIG, but I'm aware that's insanely expensive and may only be a last resort. Also, there may be other immune tests you could explore having just to rule out any other potential issues.
I think after three euploid transfers it's important to try and identify a cause before going ahead with another transfer.
I'm about to have transfer number two with another good quality euploid embryo and have decided that if this one doesn't work or ends in another chemical then I'm going to do some more testing, including for any immune issues. I will also consider more uterine testing too because we only have so many chances and I want to know we're maximising our chances with each transfer.
Thank you so much. i have done the hycosy test and also MRI which were completely normal. I have done all immunological tests as well and was advised on aspirin and steroids. I was diagnosed with KIR HLA incompatibility however there are no obvious evidence based treatments for those ( more experimental). I have done a follow up consultation where the doctor recommended to repeat exactly the same- i am pushing for clexane add on.
OK, thanks for clarifying that. That's interesting about the KIR HLA stuff. It all sounds very frustrating when you've done so many tests and still don't have any real answers. No reason why you can't also push for clexane to be added in. A lot of clinics appear to have it as part of their standard FET treatment plans.
There's a book that I've seen a lot of people recommend by Alan E. Beer called 'Is Your Body Baby Friendly? Unexplained Infertility, Miscarriage and IVF Failure', which may be worth a look at. Lots of people who I've seen have issues with either recurrent implantation failure or miscarriages have mentioned it and found it useful.
Thank you. I ll look for it and order it this time round implanatation happened but then the embryo fell according to my doctor so it's early loss I guess. Very frustrating phase of life. Thank you so much for your help x
Same here 4 transfers and all BFN , never had a BFP , its hard when you try several things and it doesn't work , I will ask my doctor to try the immune protocole this time and see if it will help
I am so sorry about this - are you open to the option of testing the embryos? I am quite depressed about the fact that these are all euploids which makes it even worse as I do not know what to correct.
Hi, I have a similar story. Two failed euploids and one failed untested plus two natural miscarriages. We are going to try ERA / EMMA / ALICE tests next. I was on prednisone, clexane & aspirin for last transfer. I haven't had all the immune tests either - was just on prednisone empirically - so will probably do all those tests too. It is pretty depressing. PM me if you want.
Hi there,
I am the same 5 transfers but never had bfp done Hysteroscopy a month and a half ago had to go for trnasfer on 4th Oct but due to my swelling and stiffness in calves because of oestrogen it cancelled and hopefully will happen the next month🤞
It is just so frustrating you undergo everything first you even don't know the root cause of it and then you try to make things better but it gets cancelled where you have no control as such.
I keep praying and thinking when is going to be my time.This journey sucks and you don't even know how to fix it.
This would be our 1st donor cycle and i hope te transfer happens soon and my body accepts it strong and tight.
Baby dust to all us 'The Ultimate Warriors '
I am sorry for what you are going through. Do you want to investigate if it could have something to with an autoimmune issue? I kept having implantation failure and then researched more about autoimmune and followed a protocol involving Intralipids and steroids. I consulted with a reproductive immunologist for this. And with God’s grace I was finally successful.
Mudra85 has given very good advice - I just wanted to add that I have the same KIR receptor issue and was treated with Neupogen which has worked for me so not sure I believe that there are no treatments for this. Wishing you all the luck in the world - I had to move clinics after 3 failed PGS tested FETs - I moved to someone who specialised in immunes and recurrent implantation failure. I just wish I had moved sooner, it’s such a specialist topic, most clinics say they can help but really can’t!