Recurrent implantation failure - Fertility Network UK

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Recurrent implantation failure

Kari55 profile image
41 Replies

Our 2nd IVF was unsuccessful even though everything seemed to have been like in a textbook - top quality embryo, great lining, normal progesteron levels. I will have my follow up on Monday but wanted to ask your opinion about this and what tests can be done to address it. Any advice would be great!

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Kari55 profile image
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41 Replies
Aleelilook profile image

So sorry, negatives are bloody hard 😒 it might be worth asking about having the scratch? And perhaps a biopsy to see when your implantation window is, and what is going on with your lining? I had those tests done recently at my clinic so give me a shout if you want anymore info xx I hope they give you some answers lovely xx

Sorry to read this. No advice just wanted to send a hug xx

Kari55 profile image
Kari55 in reply to

Thank you! Xx

Abaco profile image

You could also look into having immune testing as that plays a big part in implantation also have you had your thyroid and vitamin D levels checked as these are important factors too, sorry to hear about your negative result, it's such a cruel hard journey, all the best to you xxx

Kari55 profile image
Kari55 in reply to Abaco

Thank you. Yes, I had thyroid and vitamin D checked and all was fine. Xxx

AnnieAnnie profile image
AnnieAnnie in reply to Abaco

Sorry to jump in, can gps do the vit d and immune testing or does this have to be the fertility clinic? I've not had these tested and have had 2 failures xx

Kari55 profile image
Kari55 in reply to AnnieAnnie

My GP has refused to do any testing for me so I had to pay for it at fertility clinic. Sorry to hear about your failed cycles. Lots of luck xx

AnnieAnnie profile image
AnnieAnnie in reply to Kari55

Thanks for the info! I will ask gp and if he won't do it ask my fertility clinc. Wishing you lots of luck too. I'm following to see what advice you get xx

Abaco profile image
Abaco in reply to AnnieAnnie

Fertility clinic did all of ours, maybe your doctor will do the vitamin D test though. Immunology testing is specialised and there are so many different Ones you can have, all the best to you xxx

SConnor profile image

I'm so sorry it didn't work out this time. I had a miscarriage in the past (natural conception) and for my first round of IVF I had a scratch which was unpleasant but not too bad. They also used "glue" for the embryo transfer.

We'll never know if it's thanks to any of those but I got a BFP and am now 5 weeks pregnant hoping it will all go well.

Good luck xx

Kari55 profile image
Kari55 in reply to SConnor

Thank you SConnor and congratulations on your pregnancy. I think that if you had a miscarriage in the past, that means your body is capable of implantation. I had a very low biochemical pregnancy at 1st IVF and I thought I could do it this time with a top quality embryo and a scratch but it turned out to be not enough. I haven’t tried the glue so will ask the consultant about this xx

Cinderella5 profile image

Im sorry that you've had another failure Kari, its so gutting. Im also having trouble with implantation and Ive had loads of tests done, hysteroscopy (a little scar tissue seen and removed), immunes (slightly raised NK), blood clotting (at risk of clotting disorder and MTHFR found), name it Ive had it or at least I feel like I have. I had 2 failures with my OE (two expanding blastocysts and a 2BB) and got told my eggs werent of great quality due to my age. Ive switched to DE and still no success after two transfers and that is with fantastic embryos (4AA on day of freezing) after thaw fully hatched blastocyst and hatching blastocysts. Its all just a mystery to me and think its just a lottery now or maybe Im just not cut out to be a mum! Anyhoo moving on..... the plan for this next FET is no downregulation, progynova and aspirin to assist lining, high strength folic acid for MTHFR, clexane injections after transfer, intralipids and prednisalone steriods.....the steriod is the only thing that I havent tried so asked if we could throw that in the mix. Perhaps you clinic might have some suggestions as a way forward, its so frustrating!!xx

Kari55 profile image
Kari55 in reply to Cinderella5

Im so sorry Cinderella that you’ve been through so much. We have a male fertility factor but now I’m wondering if it’s me as well. I have been also taking Clexane and had a scratch in this cycle so I think a lot has been done to address the implantation. Maybe I was just unlucky and need to have another go. I will see what our consultant suggests for FET. We have 7 embryos frozen. To be honest they did suggest putting 2 back and we decided to go with 1, maybe it was a mistake. I think next time we would have to go with 2. It’s a very difficult, frustrating journey. What folic acid were you told to take? Wishing you all the best xxx

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to Kari55

Its pretty rubbish to be fair, we started out on this journey with male factor too! If you still have 7 embryos I would say there doesnt sound like there is much wrong with you honey, that's an amazing number. I had scratches done back at the start but didnt want to keep doing them in case I was doing more harm than good. My clinic tend to suggest 2 embryos - there is a risk of twins but also know of a few having put back two and it seems to at least help one take. Ive to take 5mg of folic acid but that's due to MTHFR which means your body cant absorb folic acid very well so nothing really to do with implantation. Thank you, keep hoping there's a miracle to be had out there somewhere!!xx

Kari55 profile image
Kari55 in reply to Cinderella5

I must say, the scratch was hideous, I hated every second of it but I’m sure they will suggest to have it done again. To be honest, I actually don’t think there is anything wrong with me but having failed 2 cycles and this one was with 3AA embryo, it started playing on my mind now. I’m curious what the clinic will suggest. I’m not very good at hoping unfortunately, maybe with time, I will get it back. Also, my AF is coming which probably doesn’t help today Xx

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to Kari55

Yes its not the best, I had 3 and was so glad to not have to do another one! ha ha ha Well I think all of my last 3 were frozen at 4AA and even better when defrosted. There's definitely hope out there, its just hard to get past the disappointment. Have a wee treat to yourself, you deserve one!!xx

Kari55 profile image
Kari55 in reply to Cinderella5

Yes, it takes sometime to rebuild hope. I was completely devastated on Monday (BFN day) but then I spoke to the counsellor and got my strength back. I have decided that this won’t ruin my life. I will probably wait with FET until January. Yes, treat is a good idea 😂 xx

Paris1771 profile image
Paris1771 in reply to Cinderella5

Hi dear Cinderella5

I apologize for jumping in your comments! I am living in Sweden and need to have these tests done but they dont do it here! Is there any possibility that I travel there for doing these tests in England? Which clinic r u going to?! Could u plz give me some info?

I will send a post to the forum as well for getting some guidance!

Thank u so much and sending u love and success on your way!


Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to Paris1771

Dont apologise! Im actually from Scotland but having treatment in Athens, Greece however I know that there is a clinic in Coventry that does NK cell testing - Prof Quenby, I can send you a link ny PM. Some of other ladies on here have had these tests done already at the clinic. Best of luck to you too.xx

Olivialinney profile image

I had recurrent implantation failure my first 2 fresh ivf cycles worked (late losses ) but had 4 fet cycles ending in bfns 😕clinic said it was better to have a Hysteroscopy to check there was nothing left behind from previous pregnancies

Hysteroscopy came back fine and we then started a fresh cycle had to do a freeze all and eventually got to do a fet and this time has worked I’m 5+4 🤞🏼

It’s very disheartening when everything looks good and is just not working but don’t give up ur time will come xx

Kari55 profile image
Kari55 in reply to Olivialinney

Oh thank you, very encouraging reply! Xx

Dreamingofbaby profile image

So sorry to hear this so hard. Big hugs to u. Take good care x

Billywhizz10 profile image

My wife had immunity testing and as a result of that was suggested to inject clexane (which has a big needle and she hated) the consultant suggested baby aspirin instead.

Looking at the cost of the immunity testing and clexane drugs we never used , it would have been easier to pop to boots and buy some cheap baby aspirin. So it may be worth asking your doctor about baby aspirin.

Best of luck x

Kari55 profile image
Kari55 in reply to Billywhizz10

Thank you. I have used clexane in this cycle so I guess this was also covered. X

Billywhizz10 profile image
Billywhizz10 in reply to Kari55

Oh ok. One thing I would say (as a IVF veteran) is it is a numbers game, and there is no magic pill that will work 100%, what our consultant said over 3 cycles you have a real good chance of IVF working, so please don't give up hope after 2 cycles and it sounds like you're doing everything you can, so you've just been unlucky.

Best of luck xx

Kari55 profile image
Kari55 in reply to Billywhizz10

Aw thank you. Yes, it is such a lottery, isn’t it. Maybe what we don’t have is a bit of luck. We have 7 embryos on ice so I guess we still have a good chance for it to work. I hope you and your wife are doing well xx

Billywhizz10 profile image
Billywhizz10 in reply to Kari55

I'm 100% sure you'll be having your baby soon, it took us a long journey but my wife is expecting our first. When you do get your BFP it will make you appreciate them so much more as you've gone through so much to get your children.


Kari55 profile image
Kari55 in reply to Billywhizz10

Congratulations! So glad to hear it has worked for you! Yes, you are right, we certainly won’t be one of these moaning parents but will appreciate the experience with our children xx

JessJ25 profile image

I was third time lucky! They say 3 go’s is average for sucsessful IVF so don’t give up hope xx

JessJ25 profile image

Also for my third go they changed my treatment after transfer, they put me on steriods and blood thinning injections, if your not on these already may be worth looking into! Seemed to have worked for me x

Kari55 profile image
Kari55 in reply to JessJ25

Thank you for you positive reply! And congratulations that it worked for you! I was already on blood thinners but not on steroids. Aren’t they harmful to the foetus? X

JessJ25 profile image
JessJ25 in reply to Kari55

Not that im aware of, the ones i was on supress your immune system to stop your body attacking the embryo/fetus xx

First of all so sorry for the failed cycles how awful for you 😢

I will ask- have you had investigation for endometriosis?

It can ( unless you have the classic chocolate cysts) only be diagnosed/ruled out by a surgical procedure called a laparoscopy ( I’ve had 3 done they’re not that bad)

Our issue was implantation caused by my endometriosis ( which took 5 years &10 months of TTC to find 🤦🏽‍♀️) after my third laparoscopy ( it got worse after my chemical pregnancy) I am now nearly 9 weeks pregnant.

The other thing to consider is a hysteroscopy which looks inside your uterus-you can have a laparoscopy with a hysteroscopy at the same time. Hysteroscopy can see more than a scan. You can have other abnormalities treated the same time.

It also be worth asking if you can take prednisone ( low dose steroid) during your next cycle. I know some clinics are against it but worth asking. I take prednisone during the 12 weeks of pregnancy. I have slightly raised nk cells.

It might be worth checking your vitamin D level to see if it’s okay that can hinder things.

I don’t believe in unexplained implantation failure there has to be a reason.

Good luck xoxo😘

Kari55 profile image
Kari55 in reply to

Thank you Jess. Yes, I had a laparoscopy which confirmed that I haven’t got it.

I think my clinic do use prednisone, although it sounds a bit scary to use it with a potential pregnancy. Xx

in reply to Kari55

That’s good that has been ruled out, it’s not always standard to do so. It’s great you haven’t got endo, it’s not very nice.

It’s okay to take prednisone in pregnancy- my fertility doctor has issued it for me to take until I’m 12 weeks & there is no way he’d risk our baby. xoxo

Kari55 profile image
Kari55 in reply to

Ok that’s reassuring to know. I might ask about it as I haven’t tried it yet. I also think we might need to put 2 embryos back next time. I wanted to avoid this but as it seems I don’t easily fall pregnant. Xxx

in reply to Kari55

Its such a difficult journey isn’t it & it really wasn’t easy for us to fall pregnant either.

Maybe the double embryo transfer & steroids will make a big difference. 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 xoxo

Kari55 profile image
Kari55 in reply to

It really it, especially if it takes years and years. I’m looking forward to my follow up on Monday. Well done to you for staying determined xxx

in reply to Kari55

Thank you.

At times I was ready to give up & throw the towel in.

But it is worth fighting for & so much more appreciated ❤️❤️❤️ Your time will come, keep going ✨✨✨ xoxo

Shirazlover2013 profile image

I’m sorry to hear of your recent BFN, it really sucks. It’s great you’ve got so many embryos on freeze though, you’ve got options and more opportunities. Sounds like you’re really well informed and your clinic is proactive too which is great. If it’s just a numbers game then you’re due a BFP really soon!

Kari55 profile image
Kari55 in reply to Shirazlover2013

Thank you, I really hope so. How are you doing ? X

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