Hi everyone,
There is this question on my mind forever regarding donner egg selection process. I hope no one gets upset by reading this, so pls if you deal with an incompetent kid, you may ignore reading the rest.
I am in my mid forties and may have to go for Donner eggs if our lefties on ice do not work.
I know at least couple friends who got pregnant with DE and they are super happy with their kids. One of them has a 6 yr old super cute girl and the other recently gave birth to twin boy and girl ( pre-maturely but both look healthy despite being under weight) and its been only less than 3 month but she loves them very much, to the roof.
So at this point I know it feels like our own real baby when born even during pregnancy but I am afraid and cannot get my mind of potential genetic diseases the baby may come with and wondering if there are tests done on donners or is it only the consultations before they donate.
I may sound crazy , hopefully not cruel, and not sure if I am allowed to think or talk abt this but I am kinda obsessed with having some one else eggs or embryos bcuz one of my close relatives adopted a new born and after few years she got diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and after that they realized she does loosing her hearing gradually and she has hard time in school focusing not really doing well in anything, she keeps forget stuff and recently they found out she has a rare gene that she even may get totally deaf later in life, they dont even know when. This breaks my heart as much as I love this kid but seeing her mom and herself both suffering of all these incompetencies makes me super nervous - indeed that is one of the reasons I didnt want a baby for many years and only in my early forties we started and had to go through ivf . So as much as I know no one may not know what kind of diseases they may get but it is more random with donner eggs or sperms and I know I will not be able to deal with such things and wont be a good mom the kid deserves if things happen.
I dont intent to discourage anyone going this route and I am sorry if I hurt so by talking abt this but process of choosing donner was on my mind for so long and would like to ask those going through the process how you make sure the risks of genetic diseases are little to no existing. Is it by tests or talks only?
I read in some clinic they only do physical and background consultation with donners not heard abt actual exams. Can someone who did go with DE please let me know the actual process.
Appreciate it very much