Hi everyone,
We had a challenging year with 3 miscarriages all happening in one year. After my last one, it took me few months to be mentally ready, so this month we started again. Today I'm dpo 11, and after initially feeling like I could be pregnant, I started getting worse and yesterday we both got tested positive for COVID. I had my COVID vaccine in October, and we are both having flu symptoms and mild temperatures (still under 38 degrees Celsius). Still managing ok, nothing like having COVID first time few years back. But now I'm worried we messed our chances for a while...
I've read that it can impact male fertility (sperm quality or quantity?) and mess with female cycles. Due to miscarriage history, I'm worried that sperm quality lowering may increase risks of further miscarriages.
I have quite low AMH and would need heparin, progesterone and aspirin on next positive result. These are all very surprising given how easily I seem to conceive but were uncovered while testing in recurrent miscarriage clinic. Time is not on my side, though I'm only 36 years.
Does anyone know if sperm quality (not just quantity) is lowered with COVID? Can lower sperm quality increase chances of miscarriage?
If anyone has history of miscarriages, and is in a similar situation, please dm me, it is a lonely road.
Thanks in advance.