Hi 1 wk since my BFN and still cant stop cryin 😢 ive just been advised my next cycle will be a natural cycle with 1 of my frozen day 5 blastercysts..pls may anyone advise me what happens with a natural cycle with a frozen embo pls x
Natural cycle advise : Hi 1 wk since my... - Fertility Network UK
Natural cycle advise

Hi, we had a failed cycle followed by a natural cycle....which was positive! Natural is basically you do an ovulation test and ring the hospital when you get a positive test each month, and on the month they decide to do the transfer you go in 5 days after you ovulate. We only waited 2 months. It's so much better physically as there are no injections or drugs. I found it strange as I didn't feel in control like before where you have something to do every day and times to do things, this is just when your body decides to ovulate. I just took a few days holiday after the transfer to rest but you don't have to if you'd rather get back to work. I did find it easier than before! Feel free to message me if any questions. Good luck xx
Oooh congrats on ur BFP thats great newz 😆..hope ur enjoyin ur pregnancy and its all goin smooth.thank u so much 4 ur reply and 4 ur advise and info..so no drugs at all thats gonna be strange after all the injectsions first time..but pray i also get my BFP with my frozen cycle..gud luck with ur pregnancy keep intouch hun xx
Glad its all going well..uv went through alot 2 have ur dream come true so u so deserve 2 enjoy every min of it babez..i love to hear gud people getting there dream come true xxxÂ
Hi Hun!Â
Sorry to hear about your failed cycle. I also had failed ICSI cycle at the beginning of Feb. I managed to get 4 frozen embryos and have asked for a natural FET on my next cycle which will hopefully start at the end of this month. They said they would scan me on day 10 to check the lining of the womb and if that looked fine I would be able to do the natural cycle. No drugs or injections just tracking ovulation 😊Â
I am having an endo-scratch on the 21st April to hopefully help that little bit more.Â
Do you know when your next cycle will be? Xx
Hi everyone,
I had a natural fet this month, had a 5 day blastocyst put in last Thursday and my test day is Monday, it's killing me! I've been having lots of pain in my ovaries and period pain which is worrying me but fingers crossed it works out ok. Great to hear that it has worked for people x
Your mind will be all over the place until Monday as we all know with the 2ww but I had period pains, wore a pad every day convinced it was the day my period would start as had all symptoms apart from bleed. But it was positive so period pain means nothing 😃 Xx
It's good to know that I'm not the only one, thank you did you have spotting? X