hi all
I have just got back from my appointment to see if the Prostap (instead of Buserelin) has switched me ‘off’ in readiness to start menopur and bemfola.
I am so bitterly disappointed that my uterine lining was still too thick, they want to put it back a week and for me to return next Wednesday to have the same appointment again!
how will it be any thinner come next week? My period did only end yesterday as it was delayed a week due to Protsap but I’m just so deflated, I had booked all the appointments off with work and now I have to redo it all, without explaining what it’s all for……
Have any of you had this before and had it thinned out in a week???
I’m not taking daily injections so can only assume the prostap will continue to work in my system for the next week………
any advice or reassurance would be gratefully received.
What a very tough journey we are all on xx