Hi, first time posting on here. Im an ivf veteran (ttc 6 years, cycle 5 underway, 4 angels, 3 trips abroad, 2 now slightly hysterical people, oh and 1 ectopic for good measure...) and thought I had seen. It. All, BUT clearly not: so went for my lining scan yesterday as have a FET booked provisionally for next week and was told my lining was a mm or so TOO thick. Eh?? Am delighted that thinking thick worked and all that but now worried. My clinic knows and will let me know what I should do this morning. Wondered if any of you wonderful ladies on here had experienced this. So much for believing I knew it all. Ivf is indeed the gift that keeps on giving...! oh and another thing I learnt yesterday: before you go for your scan, check with the place doing it that they can email the results to your clinic. The company I chose yesterday (which I would name but not allowed on here) could not (something about privacy policy?) and I had to scan and send the images from my phone. So not quite as good quality for my clinic. A small thing but would not have chosen them had I known. So- check to avoid disappointment and needless small frustration! Xxx
Endometrial lining too thick? - Fertility Network UK
Endometrial lining too thick?

I've never heard of a lining too thick before so thanks for sharing. Best of luck x
Thankyou LegoBatgirl (great name- my nephews would basically like you for christmas) if find out more that might be helpful I will share it here. Xx
camberwellwell Did it thin? DD just had scan and told lining too thick. Adsvised to carry on injections for another week

Hi Babblemouth. We were asked by our clinic (in czech republic) for a further progesterone test, the results of which seemed to show ovulation had not yet happened (I was due to do a frozen embryo transfer later that week) so the transfer went ahead, my lining was 9mm at the time of transfer so totally normal. Unfortunately got a bfn this morning so although all seemed fine to go ahead, perhaps it was not? I will be asking questions when we have recovered a bit from our disappointment. Best of luck to your DD
I’ve never heard of this either?! I thought thick lining was what we were aiming for...& the thicker the better?!
Fingers crossed for your cycle 🤞🏼 please keep us posted with what your clinic says xxxx
Wanted to say welcome to the forum! And I hope this next cycle goes well for you. You’ve been through plenty enough already, but lots of people on here who can empathise. I always thought thick lining was good too! Anyway, good luck and keep us posted x

Thank you! Yes its been a hard few years but lots of lessons learnt and some weeny silver linings. (But it would be lovely if this time was the charm...!)thank goodness for forums like this one! Xxx lots of luck to you too at whatever stage you are at xxx
I think it proves we’re made of stronger stock than we think! And this forum has been the best thing for me through all of the ups and downs. Best of luck! X
Never heard of that, none of this is fair or easy is it! Must have been very Disappointing and frustrating with the place you got your scan done, they should have made that clear from the start, all the very best to you x
Good lord, how frustrating! I usually struggle with lining so had no idea it could go the other way! Yep you're so right, the gift that keeps giving sh!t news & results in my case! Ha ha ha Incidentally my clinic were pretty happy with a pic from the scan with a small written account of what my measurements were. It tends to be cheaper than places that give proper email pics and results. Best of luck, hopefully all works out ok for you!xx