Hi, I stumbled on this group as I'm researching IVF.
I'm 40 and I have endometriosis , diagnosed 7 years ago. We have been trying to conceive naturally for 2 years with no luck. . My bloods show good ovarian function and my husband has an above average sperm count and no issues.He has a child already from previous.
I've been through the NHS and they are doing a HSG xray in a couple of weeks to check my tubes but I have also seen private gyae for enndo My gynae suugests IVF asap and before we try surgery to remove endo. Is this a good idea?
surely endo may cause issues with pregnancy or the success of IVF?
Hubby is nervous of IVF and the stress it will put on us and I didn't want to do this to start with, but now it could be our only chance I'm considering it more.
Where do I start with research? We have to go private as he already has a child. But I want to understand the process, how many appointments, which clinic, etc.
What do I do about work? Do I tell them or just try to blag the time off for appointments?
any resources and advice welcome 🙏