We were fortunate enough to get 10 frozen blasts this egg retrieval and I’m over the moon. They aren’t tested so no idea how many “normal” or “abnormal” but we decided to take our chances considering our ages etc.
The plan was to have afresh transfer but due to a polyp developing (which I will have removed) we had to freeze all. Now we have the space/time before a transfer to think on things I keep thinking whether we should do the ERA, Emma and Alice tests. I’m hard pressed to transfer my strongest and only AA embryo into a less than ideal environment. I can see myself forever wondering what if.
The other side is that we have found some things that could be the cause of failure (2 failed transfers) to implant (blood clotting issue and thyroid (now controlled with meds). Also used ICSI and IMSI to get around husbands DNA frag after 6 months of supplements and lifestyle changes - which seems to work as we had 86% fertilisation rate. So maybe just maybeee that’s all there is to find?
Can an ERA be done around a semi medicated FET? I really don’t want to take anymore unnecessary estrogen if I can help it.
As we have 10 do we try and transfer a few before more testing? I’m not sure how I feel about that option either and perhaps it’s my impatience and resistance to another procedure. Urgh this so so hard. What would you guys do?