Another BFN result on Friday, This was my last embryo and my 4th cycle in total. I am devastated. Unfortunately the first three cycles were all done prior to me finding out I had damaged tubes (which are now removed). I’m almost 39 and need to consider if we proceed with anymore ICSI cycles. I feel like I’ve lost all hope and not sure how much heartache I can continue to go through. But on the other hand I feel like my first three cycles were pointless as I never had a chance with my leaking tubes.
One of my thoughts is whether to go abroad. Has anyone got experience of switching to an overseas clinic after only using a UK one and can anyone share their experience of what’s involved with me? I’d be starting from scratch and need to know whether I’ll have to be away for long periods of time etc.
Also if you could privately message me any recommendations of clinics abroad that would be great.