After three cycles of IVF and one miscarriage with my own eggs we have decided to move forwards and go down the route of egg donation. We are planning to go abroad for treatment. Can anyone who's been through it shed any light on how to go about choosing a clinic please? Thanks. X
How do you choose donor egg clinic? - Fertility Network UK
How do you choose donor egg clinic?

So the main things is looked at were logistics and how to get there. Once we did that bit I started looking at other ladies that had done DE treatment and got a few recommendations. Contacted a few clinics that we fancied to see what their communication was like and their success kind of get a feeling from how well they respond to questions and that's it really. If you look on another website called fertility friends they have a big section on treatment abroad per country and you can see which clinics come up etc to get an idea. This link is also quite handy. The main things to remember is if youre comparing prices make sure you have looked at, cost of drugs for you and donor, what's included....freezing of embryos, cost of future embryo transfers etc. Good luck & PM me if you want to ask anything.xx
I’m currently trying to choose mine! It’s so difficult isn’t it? And there’s so many!!
Also try
There’s lots of good info on there. Some give you slightly more info about the donor than others although it’s all anonymous so no photos unless you look at Russia I think. Not sure about others.
Good luck with choosing. I’d be interested to know where you go for.
I'm in this process now. I've done a lot of research on line, also advice from fertility clinic in Australia.
We have just recently had FET using DE in Spain (live in UK). The Spain clinic was recommended by the UK clinic we attended for consult. They had been to visit a few and were happy to work with and as need monitoring in UK they have a collaboration system. Message if want to know any more.
Hi there I’m really interested to know which one you are at, if you are happy to say? Our London clinic suggested Spain for DE as next step. X
Yes sure, IVF Spain in Alicante
Thank you x
Jumping in to say I also used IVF alicante Spain 👍👍 if you thinking of doing treatment and can hang off till winter flights were really reasonable like £29 made a big difference 👍

Please do jump in! Thanks so much for your feedback. Really appreciated xx

Just had a wee look at your posts and really pleased for you 😊. It's a tough journey isn't it?! I'm just back from Spain and have Beta on Thur 😳. I had BFP with cycle 1 DE but MMC at 8.5 weeks. Then BFN with cycle 2 so 3rd time's a charm I hope! It's very heartening when you hear good stories it's really helpful.
Oh I really really hope this is your time ❤️❤️❤️❤️ keeping everything crossed for you x x
If I can give you any more info let me know. I think rules are not to discuss specific clinics on these forums?? But if you want to message me with any questions feel free as really happy to help where I can.
Thank you for the replies. I've been doing lots of research and thinking we might go for a clinic in Czech Republic. It's exciting but also very nerve wracking as it's such unknown territory for us!
A friends of mine underwent IVF in Gdansk, Poland. They checked out success rates and reviews, how fast a clinic responds, prices and waiting time.
Hi all, just reading old posts and wondering if any of you know of any clinics that use open donors? X